Page 3 - Croissant Red Angus Bulls and Replacement Heifers Sale – March 24, 2018
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Welcome to the 18th Annual Croissant Red Angus production sale. This
        year we will offer 89 bulls and 50 commercial replacement heifers all ready
        to go to work for you. The bulls this year come with an excellent slate of
        profi t predictors. There are numerous bulls that rank in the Top 20% of the
        breed in traits that will not only increase revenue potential, but also help
        control costs on the ranch, through longevity in females, moderate size,
        and calving ease. You will see this when comparing Croissant averages
        with breed averages, take a look for yourself.
        Investments in genetics come with a commitment to your success at
        Croissant Red Angus. Added value programs like the Red Angus FCCP and
        Top Dollar Angus (look for the logo on qualifi ed bulls) can add value to
        your calf crop. We are a Seedstock Partner with Top Dollar Angus and will
        help those that qualify with the enrollment fee. Additionally, working with
        several feedyards has added value to Croissant Red Angus sired calves, an
        average of $7/cwt in 2017. Your success is very important to us; contact
        Kevin as you begin to look at marketing strategies.

        Each year we are blessed to work with some great people. Two of those
        are our cooperators, Kelly and Kitty Sorensen. They brought an excellent
        set of bulls. At Red Angus convention this past year we were honored with
        the 2017 Pioneer Breeder of the Year. We would like to thank all of our
        customers that really made this possible.

        We look forward to seeing you on March 24th at the ranch for the sale. If
        you are unable to join in person, there are other ways to be a part of this
        excellent offering, DVAuction, sale day phones, and absentee bidding. Visi-
        tors are always welcome and if you have any question please contact us.

        The Croissant Red Angus Family
        Larry, Jean, Kevin and Sallie

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