Page 11 - Milk Creek Reds Female Sale – Nov. 3, 2017
P. 11

Mature Cowse Cows

                 1         MLK CRK LAKINA 637               Lot 1

                 REG. # 1095659  TATTOO: 637  BTK  BD: 2/23/06  100% 1A
                              LMAN ROBIN HOOD 1174B
          SHOCO SIR ROBIN    [ VDAR BARLEE GB 3  BW/Ratio  75  87  Bred to 5L ADVANTAGE 3267-221Y for a heifer calf, due 2/18/18.
        SHOCO DATA                            WW/Ratio  668  109  What a female to start off the sale with! 637 is a full sister to the second-high-selling
                             [ BJR BLOCKNA2206-3149            cow in our 2014 sale. She has 10 natural calves with 109 weaning weight ratio and a
                                                    # of Hd   Ratio  108 MPPA. She is a typical Shoco Data daughter with a tremendous amount of volume
                              GLACIER MARIAS 548
          MLK CRK MARIAS 013  [ MLK CRK LANA 558  BW  10  105  and fl eshing ability and brings in above-average calves year after year. To top it off, she
        MLK CRK LAKINA 228                           10  109   is carrying a heifer calf by 5L Advantage.
          MLK CRK LAKINA 071  BUF CRK BARNEY 3474  WW
                             [ MLK CRK LAKINA 5148-GEM
                                              MPPA  107.8
          HB  GM CED  BW WW YW  M  ME HPG  CEM  ST   MB   YG   CW   REA   FAT
         126  48 4  -1.4  63  83  24  6  15 7 13  0.46  0.04  17  0.08  0.02
        TOP BREED %
         16%  70% 56% 45%  28% 57%  25% 88% 10% 23% 11%  34%  68%  59%  52%   84%
                                                                        2         JNK MONIQUE 639

                                                                        REG. # 1095737  TATTOO: 639  BTK  BD: 2/23/06  100% 1A
                                                                                     BJR TOPPER AGAIN 23L
                                                                 RED YY 23L TOPPER 408D  [ RED DEVOLANE ROZINE 8B  BW/Ratio  75  94
                                                               RED YY RED KNIGHT 640F                WW/Ratio  627  102
                                                                 RED TOP GOLDIE 40U  RED LINE FLAME 11N
                                                                                    [ REDLINE GOLDIE 40K  PROGENY AVERAGES
                                                                                                           # of Hd   Ratio
                                                                                     GLACIER CUB 446
                                                                 MLK CRK CUB 722    [ MLK CRK LAKOTA 152-HOBO  BW  8  115
                                                               MLK CRK BLOCKANNA 459                        7    109
                                                                 MLK CRK BLOCKANNA 768  GLACIER LOGAN 210  WW
                                                                                    [ MLK CRK BLOCKANNA 576
                                                                                                     MPPA  107.8
                                                                 HB  GM CED  BW WW YW  M  ME HPG  CEM  ST   MB   YG   CW   REA   FAT
                                                                104  49 2  -2.7  54  81  20  6  14 7 10  0.44  -0.03  15  -0.1  -0.03
                                                                TOP BREED %
                                                                38%  34% 76% 24%  60% 60%  57% 83% 13% 15% 46%  38%  31%  66%  85%   7%
                                Lot 2                          Bred to 5L ADVANTAGE 3267-221Y for a heifer calf, due 2/20/18.
        When Monique was a heifer calf I remember dad coming home after showing someone   and banners. If that wasn’t enough, she produced calves that did the same thing. The
        the cows and saying, “Well, Jac, someone offered to buy your heifer today,” and I   bulls sold well in our sale year after year and the heifers produced offspring that con-
        replied, “Nope, not selling her!” The following year when the same situation arose and   tinued the family tradition. So, this time when dad said, “Well, Jac, do you want to sell
        someone else offered to buy her as a bred heifer, I again replied, “Nope, not gonna do   Monique?” I had to give it some thought and, in the end, decided that it was probably a
        it!” and I am so glad I did because she went on to win several purple ribbons, buckles   good decision. This cow is one of a kind and I hope she makes someone very happy!
        Catalog and video online at                                 Milk Creek Reds Female Sale – 9
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