Page 9 - Hunt's H+ Brangus Bull and Female Sale – Feb. 24, 2018
P. 9

Hunt’s H+ Brangus Bull & Female Sale – Cattle with Something EXTRA!s H+ Brangus Bull & Female Sale – Cattle with Something EXTRA!
                                                                 13    H+ WRANGLER CHIEF D008
                                                                        Reg. # R10336078  Birth Date: 10/20/16  Tattoo: D008
                                                                         CED  BW  WW   YW  Milk TM  CEM  SC  REA %IMF   FAT
                                                                        4.1  0.7  36   76  17   36  2.24  0.28  0.49  0.00  -0.047
                                                                         50% 45% 15%  10%  1%  2% >95% 70%  30%  60%  30%
                                                                   Act    205-Day  Test         365-Day Yearling
                                                                  BW     Wt  Ratio  ADG  WDA  Ratio  Wt  Ratio  FS  SC
                                                                  80    512   118  3.30  2.66  100 1023 113  5.3 32.7
                                                                 Curve Bender Index     Carcass Ultrasound Scans
                                                                 Condition  Base Price   REA   Ratio   %IMF   Ratio   Fat   Ratio
                                                                            $2,500  11.8  105  3.73  107  0.180  93
                                                                                           • Top 45% or Better in 7 Traits
                                                                Sire:  SR WRANGLER WARRIOR T113
                                                                                           • Growth Ratios
                                                                Dam: H+ MOHICAN BLACK BIRD B413
                                                                                           • REA and IMF Performance
                                                                MGS: TCB CATAWBA WARRIOR R532
                                                                                           • Top 1% in Milk and Total
                                                                MGGS: SR CADENCE WARRIOR S702
                                                                GGGS: SVF STORMY 535K48
                               Lot 13

                                                                 14    HB APACHE CHIEF D112

        GOLDEN RULE CUSTOMER SERVICE                                    Reg. # R10341920  Birth Date: 12/9/16  Tattoo: D112
             When you purchase an animal from our program you become     CED  BW  WW   YW  Milk TM  CEM  SC  REA %IMF   FAT
             part of us and have an option to become part of our future    3.2  0.6  36   73  16   33  3.11  0.67  0.57  0.08  -0.046
             sales. We are committed to you as a customer and deliver     70% 45% 15%  10%  3%  3%  95% 30%  20%  25%  30%
                                                                                                365-Day Yearling
             service with each sale. The females sired by bulls purchased in   BW  Wt 205-Day  ADG  WDA  Ratio  Wt  Ratio  FS  SC
             our sale become candidates to return as part of our Customer   98  570  116  3.32  2.85  107 1022  98  6.3 38.0
             Appreciation Commercial Brangus Female Sale. We pledge to    Curve Bender Index   Carcass Ultrasound Scans
             conduct our business in a manner which provides only the    Condition  Base Price   REA   Ratio   %IMF   Ratio   Fat   Ratio
             best genetics and service to you in order to provide mutually    CAC       $2,500  12.34  94  3.32  108  0.270  113
             benefi cial and life-long business relationships. Your best   Sire:  SR APACHE WARRIOR Z275  • Top 45% or Better in 9 Traits
             interest is our goal in every business transaction!”. We pledge               • Powerful Growth
             to conduct our business in a manner that demands providing   Dam: H+ SIOUX KICKING BIRD Y160  • Quality Carcass
             only the best in genetics and services that make you a repeat   MGS: SR CADENCE WARRIOR S702
             customer. We defi nitely provide VALUE ADDED GENETICS and   MGGS: TCB CATAWBA WARRIOR R532
             strive to provide VALUE ADDED SERVICE.             GGGS: SVF STORMY 535K48

                                                                 15    H+ APACHE CHIEF D037
                                                                        Reg. # R10336107  Birth Date: 11/12/16  Tattoo: D037
                                                                         CED  BW  WW   YW  Milk TM  CEM  SC  REA %IMF   FAT
                                                                        3.9  0.1  29   63  14   29  2.49  0.43  0.38  0.16  -0.033
                                                                         55% 30% 35%  25% 10%  15% >95% 55%  45%  10%  85%
                                                                   Act    205-Day  Test         365-Day Yearling
                                                                  BW     Wt  Ratio  ADG  WDA  Ratio  Wt  Ratio  FS  SC
                                                                   70   470   94   3.20   2.74   103 1012 104   5.8  35.8
                                                                 Curve Bender Index     Carcass Ultrasound Scans
                                                                 Condition  Base Price   REA   Ratio   %IMF   Ratio   Fat   Ratio
                                                                            $2,500  12.09  95  3.25  102  0.240  108
                                                                                           • Top 45% or Better in 7 Traits
                                                                Sire:  SR APACHE WARRIOR Z275
                                                                                           • Valuable Carcass Bull
                                                                Dam: SR WARRIOR PRINCESS A354
                                                                                           • Pounds That Pay
                                                                MGS: ACES TF WRANGLER 145/8
                                                                                           • Moderate Package
                                                                MGGS: CADENCE OF BRINKS 535D3
                                                                GGGS: SR CHEROKEE OUTLAW E504
                               Lot 15
                                           CED  BW  WW  YW  MILK  TM  CEM  SC  REA  FT  %IMF           Hunt’s Brangus – 7
                                      EPDS   3.9  1.0 25.3  48.2 9.0 21.6 4.2 0.48  0.35  -0.040  0.03
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