Page 33 - Loonan Stock Farm 43rd Annual Production Sale Private Treaty Auction Feb. 3, 2018 Red Angus & Simmental
P. 33

Red SimAngus™ Bulls

        Tag   Sire        Poll  Birth  Birth  9-6  205  10-24  48   11-15  22   12-15  30   100              Price
                          Horn  Date   Wt.   Wt.  Adj.  Wt.   Day   Wt.   Day   Wt.   Day   Day
              Color       Scur                    Wt.         ADG         ADG         ADG   ADG
              %Sim Red Ang  Dam
              Calf Reg. #  EPD's
        R13Y  EMCEE Z289  DP    3/29/17  75  439  502   606   3.48  674   3.09  754   2.67  3.15               $3,000
              Red         HSR Dakota Beef U653 1181X (PB Sim) x SF Earthquake K282 (1023P) x NLC Good A Nuff 33G (910L)  Frame Score  5.44
              1/2 Red Ang  | C.E.  16.1 | B.W.  -2.7 | W.W.  51.6 | Y.W.  80.8 | M.C.E.  5.2 | MILK  27.1 | STAY  14.8
              CARCASS     Dam:     10.3         2.5        73.1        118         8.9        25.4       18.6
              MA  .40     Sire:     17         -8.1         33         55 |M.E.     -6         28         13
              RE  .61     BW History of Dam on 6 Calves:  Range 75-116  Ave. 88#                 Cow Wt. 1680
              BF  -.01    API 147.1  TI 70.5 Twin to R14Y, both raised by their dam.  She had our last born calf in 2016 then bred right back to have these
              TWIN        twins in March.

        R14Y  EMCEE Z289  DP    3/29/17  79  449  514   618   3.52  684   3.0   770   2.87  3.21               $3,000
              Red         HSR Dakota Beef U653 1181X (PB Sim) x SF Earthquake K282 (1023P) x NLC Good A Nuff 33G (910L)  Frame Score  5.32
              1/2 Red Ang  |  C.E.  16.1 |  B.W.  -2.7 |W.W.  51.6 | Y.W.  80.8 | M.C.E.  5.2 |MILK  27.1 | STAY  14.8
              CARCASS     Dam:     10.3         2.5        73.1        118         8.9        25.4       18.6
              MA  .40     Sire:     17         -8.1         33         55 |M.E.     -6         28         13
              RE  .61     BW History of Dam on 6 Calves:  Range 75-116  Ave. 88#                 Cow Wt. 1680
              BF  -.01    API 147.1  TI 70.5 Twin to R13Y.  Their dam has a average weaning ratio of 107 and both have EPD's in the top 10% for Calving Ease,
                          Birthweight, and Stayability, 15% for Milk and API for the Simmental breed.
        R15Y  OTIS A90    DP    4/2/17  104  477  565   618   2.44  694   3.45  778   2.8   3.01               $2,800
              Red         Beckton Hasten W753 1836Z (PB R Ang) x LSFR Hill Country 2LW (907P) x Red Cedar TRRA 570 (378H)  Frame Score  5.98
              1/2 Sim     | C.E.   15.7 | B.W.  -1.3 |W.W.  47.2 | Y.W.  67.1 | M.C.E.  8.9 | MILK  31.3 | STAY  14.3
              CARCASS     Dam:      13         -3.9         47         57 |M.E.     0          30         13
              MA  .17     Sire:     14           0         65.8      101.9        14.4         28        16.3
              RE  .41     BW History of Dam on 4 Calves:  Range 64-104  Ave. 85#                 Cow Wt. 1455
              BF  -0.28   API 127.3  TI 60.3 This bull is in the top 2% for Milk, 10% Stayability, 15% Calving Ease and 20% for Birthweight for the Simmental
                          breed.  A maternal brother had a Rib Eye of 14.14, Choice plus marbling.  His dam has a MPPA of 101.45.

        R17Y  DUKE B109   DP    4/6/17  108  508  616   716   4.33  778   2.82  866   2.93  3.58               $3,000
              Red         SF Earthquake K282 1007P (PB Sim) x BBS Zima D55 (918L) x MV Red Light (862H) x Polled Master 559Z  Frame Score  5.96
              1/2 Red Ang  | C.E.   6.5 | B.W.   2 |W.W.   64.1 | Y.W.  104.8 | M.C.E.  5.7 | MILK  20.7 | STAY  13.1
              CARCASS     Dam:      7.7         0.3         62        98.8        10.3        16.7       15.3
              MA  .29     Sire:      -3         2.5         70         115 |M.E.    1          24         11
              RE  .68     BW History of Dam on 12 Calves: Range 82-114  Ave. 98#                 Cow Wt. 1545
              BF  .03     API 122.7  TI 67.9 Two generations of his dams sire side that are homozygous polled and non dilutor bulls.  Top 15% for Stayability,
                          25% Yearling Weight, 35% Weaning Weight for the Simmental breed.  Six maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 15.41, 16.89, 17.24,
                          17.33, 15.91 and 14.61 four Choice and two Choice minus marbling.
        R18Y  TOTEM 150   DP    4/7/17  114  590  717   806   4.5   874   3.09  984   3.67  3.94               $3,200
              Red         SF Earthquake K282 1149W (PB Sim) x KS Blizzard L59 (979N) x Bold Red One (895K)  Frame Score  7.22
              1/2 Red Ang  | C.E.   7.9 | B.W.  3.6 |W.W.  81.4 |Y.W.  133.6 |M.C.E.  4.5 |MILK  32.3 | STAY  14
              CARCASS     Dam:      4.9          5         77.2        123         5.5        33.4       16.4
              MA  -.02    Sire:      6          0.1         85         142 |M.E.    6          31         11
              RE  .80     BW History of Dam on 6 Calves:  Range 78-114#  Ave. 98#                Cow Wt. 1665
              BF  -.02    API 113.5  TI 69.9 His dam has a weaning ratio of 104.  R18Y has a Weaning Ratio of 111 and ranked 6/39 including being compared
                          to the Simmental bulls.  Top 1% for Milk and MWW, 2% Weaning and Yearling Weight, 30% REA for the breed.  Two maternal
                          brothers had Rib Eyes of 14.06 and 17.11 both Choice minus marbling.
        R19Y  BRILLIANCE 3212 DP  4/10/17  111  624  775  794  3.54  868  3.36  1015  4.9   3.91               $3,200
              Red Wht Blz  HSR Dakota Beef U653 1194X (PB Sim) x SF Earthquake K282 (1096T) x Red Light (862H) x 559Z  Frame Score  6.77
              1/2 Red Ang  | C.E.  12.3 | B.W.  0.9 |W.W.  79.6 | Y.W.  123.8 | M.C.E.  7.4 | MILK  22.4 | STAY  16
              CARCASS     Dam:     11.4          1         73.2      117.9         9.7         25        16.9
              MA  .57     Sire:      5         -2.3         64         99 |M.E.     2          25          9
              RE  .81     BW History of Dam on 5 Calves:  Range 80-111  Ave. 98#                 Cow Wt. 1520
              BF  .01     API 158.3  TI 86  Performance and style.  His dam has a average weaning ratio of 112 and yearling ratio of 107.  R19Y has a weaning
                          ratio of 120 and ranked 1/39.  He ranks in the top 3% of the breed for Weaning Weight and Staybility, 4% for Yearling Weight and
                          TI, 15% Marbling, 10% API.  Three maternal brothers had Rib Eyes of 15.18, 18.41 and 13.83, two Choice and one Choice plus
                          marbling.  He is a red blaze faced maternal brother to our high selling hybred bull two years ago, R1Y.  His dam always has great
                          calves however she is bred.

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