Page 2 - Effertz EZ Ranch Aberdeen Angus Breeders Seminar & Production Sale – June 2, 2018 bulls heifers pairs embryos
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Eff ertz  EZ Ranch Focus on Effi  ciency Sale
                                   EZ RANCH

                        Neil & Jan Effertz
                             & Family          Welcome!
                         17350 Hwy 1804 N.
                        Bismarck, ND 58503     Sometimes it’s hard to focus. Always, it’s hard to change. Therefore it
                           701-223-5202        is always hard to focus on changing.
                         701-471-0153 Cell
                                               When your cattle enterprise is not profi table you have two choices …
                   do nothing and stay the same or change what you are doing or how
                                               you are doing it. That’s the hardest option but the only one that works!

                                               We all wish for some things to be different … the weather, the
                                               government, the markets. Truth is none of these things are under
                                               our control. The only thing under our control is us, what we do, when
                                               we do it and how we do it – all the things that human nature makes
                                               hardest to change. By defi nition, if you want things to be different, you
                                               must change.

                                               As the ad on page 23 says, “Change is hard – cashing bigger checks
                                               isn’t.” The cattle selling in this Focus on Effi ciency Sale will help
                                               you moderate your cow size, increase the fl eshing ability of your
                The boys went fi shing….
                                               replacements and lower per-head maintenance costs.

                                               The best recommendation you can give your commercial cattlemen
                                               friends is to use fullblood Aberdeen and Moderator bulls on their fi rst-
                                               calf heifers and eliminate all calving issues. Then, keep the Moderator
                                               – cross heifers as replacements to take 300 pounds off mature cow
                                               size, thereby increasing carrying capacity and increasing pounds of
                                               beef weaned per acre. The NDSU Dickinson Research Center has
                                               done it by 37% more weaning weight per acre out of Moderator-cross

             …and the girls enjoyed The Merc.  This has been another special year for our customers. A heifer we
                                               bred, EZ Hottie’s Girl 46D, was the winningest heifer in America and
                                               topped the 2018 National Sale in Denver at $22,000 for Dalton Bane
                                               in Illinois.

                                               We are offering maybe the best set of Moderator and fullblood
                                               Aberdeen bulls we’ve ever had in our sale. They are ultrasound
                                               evaluated for carcass traits, semen tested and ready to breed cows or
                                               heifers. We are also offering a great set of fullblood females and some
                                               tremendous Moderators, including the pick of our National Champion
                                               Pen of Moderator Heifer Calves.

                                               Welcome to North Dakota. Don’t hesitate to call us if there is
                                               anything we can do to make your trip more memorable. Thank you for
                                               your interest in our program.
          She said, “Yes!” Our adventurers, Karl and
         Steph, got engaged in the wilderness of the
         Enchanted Valley in the Pacifi c Northwest last   Sincerely,
                summer – congratulations!!     Neil and Jan Effertz
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