Page 6 - Grassy Meadow Ranch 3rd Annual Red Angus Production Sale – Jan. 22, 2019
P. 6

          YEARLING B

                                                                                                        Lot 1 & dam

                   Lot 1

             1 1    GM TIGHTEN UP 821          BW:   WW:           HB  GM CED  BW WW YW  ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                      BIRTH DATE
                            REG. #
                    1/18/18  3962409  100% 1A  79   855           193 50  12 -1.5  74 121  0.29 1.11  26  1  10  7  18  0.23 0.22  21 -0.15  0.05
                  LSF SAGA 1040Y           BECKTON EPIC R397 K    26% 22%  60% 47%  2%  2%  2%   84%  27% 63%  66% 60% 29%  86%   98%  26%  79%  96%
                PIE CINCH 4126            | LSF MINOLA T7172 W9041  This Cinch son has had a great presence in our bull pen this fall. He is the most powerful
                                           HXC CONQUEST 4405P
                  TKP BONNE BEL 110                              bull we have ever raised. He has a yearling weight of over 1,400 lbs. His birth weight
                                          | TKP BONNE BEL 9031
                                           BECKTON EPIC S163 K5  of 79 lbs. to weaning weight of 855 lbs. is impressive. His dam was a high-seller at the
                  VGW NAVIGATOR 010       | VGW RT-INDIGO 0817   Great Northern Sale in MN. He is the total package of a smooth-made calving-ease sire
                3SCC MILLIE Z98                                  with explosive growth and power. GM Tighten Up 821 has a massive rear quarter and is
                  3SCC MILLIE T76          COLEY’S MOJITO 503R
                                          | JRRA MILLIE’S EQUAL M206  extremely wide topped.

                   Lot 2

             2 2    GM LOOSEN UP 808           BW:   WW:           HB  GM CED  BW WW YW  ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                            REG. #
                      BIRTH DATE
                    1/13/18  3962451  100% 1A  75   844           183 49  12 -1.1  71 111  0.25 0.98  28  0  10  7  17  0.38 0.26  15 -0.30  0.06
                  LSF SAGA 1040Y           BECKTON EPIC R397 K    44% 36%  63% 56%  5%  7%  16%   72%  10% 50%  56% 53% 44%  46%   99%  53%  97%  99%
                PIE CINCH 4126            | LSF MINOLA T7172 W9041  GM Loosen Up 808 is another powerful Cinch son. 808 is out of a fi rst-calf heifer and his
                  TKP BONNE BEL 110        HXC CONQUEST 4405P    massive appearance is eye catching. He weaned at 844 lbs. and is still performing at the top
                                          | TKP BONNE BEL 9031   of our bull pen. His depth of body and muscling is second to none. He is a calving-ease sire
                                           BROWN PARAMOUNT X7879
                  LSF RAB EXCLUSIVE 2793Z  | BROWN MS MISSION STMT W7525  with power. He moves out well with excellent structure and phenotype. His dam carries an
                GM ROSELA 602                                    MPPA of 104.5 and her dam has risen to the top of the herd with a 110.1 MPPA. Here is a bull
                  LEWIS ROSELA 036         MLK CRK DATA 4151     that will bring in heavy calves in the fall that you will want in your replacement pen.
                                          | MLK CRK ROSELA 254
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