Page 10 - Twedt Red Angus & Ressler Angus Annual Bull - Heifer Sale – Feb. 5, 2019
P. 10

Red Angus Bulls
        Red Angus Bulls

                                                                                                            Lot 3

                                                                 3    STRA HARD DRIVE 864                    #3965053

                                                                         BD     BW  WW   WR    Cat.  %     Dam’s MPPA  Age
                                                                       2/23/18   96  779       1A  100%     103.0  14
                                                                      BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120  LACY GOLD BAR 8123
                                                                                             BIEBER LAURA 158W
                                                                                             GLACIER LOGAN 210
                                                                      HRR COLLEEN 429
                                                                                             HOLDEN COLLEEN 6024
                                                                 HB  GM CED  BW WW YW  ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                180  50  12 -2.4  57  89  0.20 0.82 21  1  15  6  16  0.59 0.08 30 0.20  0.02
                                                                46% 23%  52% 29%  50% 54%  59%   42%  78% 62%  4%  62% 64%  10%   10%  6%   8%   48%
                                                               864 has been one of my favorites all year. He big, stout with loads of
                                                               middle. He is a son of the famed Hard Drive and our donor, Colleen
                             HRR COLLEEN 429, dam              429. He is a maternal brother to the high selling bull in the 2017 sale,
                                                               STRA Trending 618, who sold to Gill Red Angus for $14000. Colleen has done
                                                                                                  an outstanding job for
                                                                                                  us. You will see many of
                                                                                                  her sons in this sale. Be
                                                                                                  sure to fi nd him and his
                                                                                                  brothers on sale day.

                        BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120, sire           STRA TRENDING 618, maternal brother
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