Page 5 - Thompson Angus 43rd Annual Angus Production Sale – Jan. 30, 2021
P. 5

Angus Bulls
                                                                                               Angus Bulls

                                                                            BT NO DOUBT 0044
                                                                                                         Reg. #: 19850121
                                                                                    HOOVER NO DOUBT       BD: 2/25/20
                                                               PEAK DOT NO DOUBT 305D
                                                                                    LADY OF PEAK DOT 724R  BW: 78
                                                                                    S A V RENOWN 3439   Act. WW 920
                                                               BT RITO 155
                                                                                    BT RITO 619         205  Wt. 944
                                                                                                          ADG: 3.6
                                                                 CED  BW  WW  YW   SC   HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB   REA   $W   $F
                                                                 -9  5.9 92  150  1.65  9.4 21  14   67  0.32  0.89  74  93  365 Wt. 1502
                                                                95% 95%  1%  2%  10%  75% 80% 65%  5%  80%   10%  15%   25%  Dam WR: 2-104
                                                               A little more frame in this big stout powerhouse. Long
                                                               bodied bull from a true power cow.
                                                       155 155

                     BT INCREDIBLE 0028                                     BT RESOURCE 0053
        1588                                      Reg. #: 19859216  1855                                 Reg. #: 19850122
                             PANTHER CR INCREDIBLE 6704  BD: 2/26/20                S A V RESOURCE 1441   BD: 3/21/20
         KR INCREDIBLE 8149                                    S RESOURCE 815
                             KR PRIDE 4031          BW: 78                          S GLORIA 1146         BW: 88
                             PANTHER CR INCREDIBLE 6704  Act. WW 810                S A V INTERNATIONAL 2020  Act. WW 745
         BT MISS RITO 158                                      BT MISS GAMMER 185
                             BT MISS RITO 94      205  Wt. 842                      H A MISS NEUTRON 134 696  205  Wt. 774
                                                   ADG: 3.4                                               ADG: 3.1
          CED  BW  WW  YW   SC   HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB   REA   $W   $F   CED  BW  WW  YW   SC   HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB   REA   $W   $F
           4  1.8  78  146  1.19  14.9  13 10   51  0.25  0.78  57 94  365 Wt. 1390    -6  5.7  77  141  1.91  15.6  30 20   60  0.34  0.54  67 99  365 Wt. 1315
          70% 65%  4%  2%  25%  15% 95% 80%  30% 85%   20%  50%   20%  Dam WR: 1-104   95% 95%  5%  3%  3%  10% 20% 40%  15% 75%   55%  25%   15%  Dam WR: 4-95
         Calving ease bull that has extra muscle down his top and   Deep bodied and thick. A little younger bull that has
         into his rear quarter. Thick, complete and sound.     caught up to his older bull mates. Dam is easy fl eshing.

                                                                            BT NO DOUBT 0056
                                                                                                         Reg. #: 19850123
                                                                                    MOGCK BULLSEYE        BD: 2/26/20
                                                               HOOVER NO DOUBT
                                                                                    MISS BLACKCAP ELLSTON J2  BW: 78
                                                                                    CONNEALY IMPRESSION  Act. WW 890
                                                               DERNER FORTUNE 906 189
                                                                                    DERNER FORTUNE 42 906  205  Wt. 850
                                                                                                          ADG: 3.9
                                                                 CED  BW  WW  YW   SC   HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB   REA   $W   $F
                                                                 5  2.6  69  126  0.27  11.7  25 17   53  0.55  0.74  65 90  365 Wt. 1478
                                                                60% 80% 15%  15%  85%  45% 50% 55%  25% 50%   25%  30%   30%  Dam WR: 5-106
                                                               Herd bull prospect that is massive in his design. Extra
                                                               depth of body in this heavyweight. Dam is a phenomenal
                                                       189 189  producer, has raised other sons that working in
                                                               registered herds.

                    BT NO DOUBT 0051                                        BT JUSTIFY  0015
          1955                                                  207
                                                  Reg. #: 19850124                                       Reg. #: 19850125
                            HOOVER NO DOUBT        BD: 3/5/20                       KG JUSTIFIED 3023     BD: 2/24/20
        PEAK DOT NO DOUBT 305D                                 BEAR MTN JUSTIFY
                            LADY OF PEAK DOT 724R  BW: 92                           BEAR MTN JUDY 3092    BW: 76
                            SITZ LOGIC Y46       Act. WW 825                        BUSHS EASY DECISION 98  Act. WW 760
        BT MISS EMULOUS 195                                    BT EBONETTE207
                            BT MISS EMULOUS 563  205  Wt. 809                       BT EBONETTE 491     205  Wt. 759
                                                  ADG: 4.1                                                ADG: 3.4
         CED  BW  WW  YW   SC   HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB   REA   $W   $F   CED  BW  WW  YW   SC   HP  MK  DOC  CW  MB   REA   $W   $F
         -11  6.1  77  136  0.84  11.1  15  12  60  0.54  0.88  47 107  365 Wt. 1451    11  -0.6  62  108  0.21  12.3  29 22   31  0.87  0.68  73 68  365 Wt. 1301
         95% 95%  5%  5%  50%  55% 95% 75%  15% 50%   15%  75%   10%  Dam WR: 3-99   15% 15% 35%  40%  85%  35% 25% 30%  80% 20%   35%  15%   80%  Dam WR: 1-94
        Plenty of muscle in this long bodied, growthy bull. Will   True calving ease bull. Moderate framed that has extra
        sire the market topping kind.                          length of body and thickness to sire extra pounds in the

        Thompson Angus                                                                                             3
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