Page 7 - Deckert Sim-Red Angus Annual Production Sale – Feb. 23, 2021 Bulls and Bred Heifers
P. 7

Bull s

                                                                   3     DSR THOR 77H
                                                                         BD: 4/14/20  Reg:3761166  1/2 SM 1/2 AR
                                                                         BW: 103  205-Day Wt.: 856  Red  Polled

                                                                        BROWN JYJ REDEMPTION Y1334  [  BECKTON NEBULA P P707
                                                                    BROWN AA PREDICTABULL C5748  JYJ MSJOLENE W16
                                                                        BROWN MS DESTINATION T7634  [  5L DESTINATION 893-6215
                                                                                                BROWN MS CHEROKEE P7916
                                                                        WS HIGH TECH Y136     [  WS HIGH STAKES W115
                                                                    DSR BEEF TECH B420          WS MISS GLAMOUR W5
                                                                        DSR EVOLVED BEEF Z246  [  WS BEEF MAKER R13
                                                                                                DSR EVOLVED DESIGN N48
                                                                CE   BW   WW   YW   MCE   MM   MWW   CW   MARB   REA   API   TI
                                                                 8.1  3.1  94.2 148.3  3.0 25.9  73.0  47.0  0.15  0.89  117.4 82.1
                                                                95%  95%  3%  4%  99% 25%  4%  15%  80%  15%  75%  30%
                                                               If you like stout, muscular cattle who are fl exible in their skeleton you will
                                                               like this guy. He offers balance in a structurally sound package. His good, big
                                                               footed dam is long and clean patterned with refi ned teats. She has reported 5
                                Lot 3
                                                               @ 108 for BW and 5@ 105 for WW and a 365-day calving interval.

                                                           Lot 4
            4     DSR MAXIMUS 81H
                  BD: 4/15/20  Reg:3761174  3/4 SM 1/4 AR
                  BW: 82  205-Day Wt.: 813  Red   Polled        CE   BW   WW   YW   MCE   MM   MWW   40.3  MARB   0.84  161.9 87.2
                                                                15.0 -1.1 78.6 128.9 10.7 27.8
                 GW REDESTINED 642X    [  GW PREDESTINED 701T   20%  25%  35%  25%  5%  15%  20%  25%  25%  20%  5%  15%
             RFS BULLETPROOF B42        GW MISS ORLANDO 453N   The cocky, attractive red blaze faced bull is one who has always caught our eye
                 RFS MISS Z119         [  RFS  T46             from the time he was a calf until today in the bull pen. Look to this big testicled
                                        RFS MISS T91
                 LSF NEXTPECTATION 0083X  [  LSF JBOB EXPECTATION 6034S  bull to add power and mass to a set of calves while maintaining a smooth
             DSR NEXT STAR A328         LSF CRYSTAL LA394 T7129  appearance. His remarkable dam is a big bodied, angular female. She is also
                 DSR STAR W428         [  WHEATLAND BULL 740 T  the dam of DSR Rio 43F, the bull we used to clean up on our heifers. Take note
                                        DSR REAL STARLET M92
                                                               as she has been a consistent producer of quality and has progeny ratios of 6
                                                               @ 108 for WW and 2 @ 107 for YW and records a 366-day calving interval.
                                                               Suitable for heifers.
        DECKERT SIM-RED ANGUS                                                                                      5
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