Page 2 - Twedt Red Angus Annual Production Sale – Feb. 2, 2021 Bulls, Heifers
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        Cattlemen,                                                                              Sam Twedt

        We want to welcome you to our 11th annual production sale. We are                    2061 95th Ave NE
        excited to show you our offering this year as we feel it’s the best yet. The        McHenry, ND  58464
        quality runs deep in this set of bulls all the way to the end. We are very    (701) 388-4035 • (701) 262-4768
        proud of this set of bulls and we are confi dent that we can help you fi nd
        exactly the type of bull you are looking for.                           

        I am very passionate about the red angus breed and my cow herd.  We breed and cull cattle based on traits that make you more profi table. Performance, fertility,
        feet and udders are all very important. They must perform and get bred on time or they are culled. We breed cattle based on phenotype, production and type.

        Customer satisfaction is very important to us as well. We take great pride in these bulls and have cut them down to bulls we think we will work. Bulls that we
        think will help advance your program.  It is very important to us that these bulls are working, and you are happy with them. Please let us know how the bulls are
        working. The bulls are all DNA’d, carcass ultrasounded and sire verifi ed. We want to give you the most data possible to help you make your genetic decisions.

        Once again, we are offering an outstanding set of females. New this year we have a set of commercial bred heifers consigned to the sale by Klay Oland. These
                                                        heifers are a great group and they are all stuck AI to STRA RELENTLESS for a mid-march
                                                        calf. We also have an outstanding hand-picked group of open heifers that are as uniform
                                                        of a group as you can make. These are two awesome groups of heifers.
                                                        Sale day goes by super-fast and it is just not possible for us to visit with everyone. If you
                                                        want help selecting a bull that fi ts your needs and your program please give us a call or
                                                        stop out and we can go through the bulls together. We want to thank all of our past cus-
                                                        tomers for making this way of life possible for our family. This truly isn’t just a job for me.
                                                        It’s a way of life and I am so blessed to be able to raise my family this way. Thank you!

                                                        We hope you to see you February 2nd but if you can’t make it please join us on DVAuc-

                                                         Sam Twedt
                Sam, Emily, Nora, Brynn, Wyatt & Eden Twedt

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