Page 4 - Big Sky Elite Red Angus Female Sale – 1 pm MST - Dec. 7, 2022
P. 4

Welcome to the 2022 Big Sky Elite Female Sale!
                                      Jim, Julie,
                                      Katie, Tom               The start of the world pandemic in 2019 certainly changed life forever. One
                                      and Bob                  of the positive things to come out of it as farmers and ranchers was the ap-
                                      Morton                   preciation of simpler things in life … such as food! The disruptions in what
                                                               used to be the daily normal may never be restored with workers and supply
                                                               chains broken and still in disruption three years later, but the appreciation
                                                               for beef and the willingness of the American public to pay for it will forever
                                                               change the course of cattle production in the United States.

                                                               Many other factors will affect the next several years in the beef industry, but
                                                               none will impact it as much as the slaughter of a major portion of the U.S.
                                                               cowherd due to drought across many areas of the country. NOW is the time
                                                               to invest in your future as a cattle producer. It is time to step up your pro-
                      Cayl, Trac,                              gram into high quality production.  Commodity producers with subpar cattle
                   Taryn, Craig &                              will diminish in the coming years as the demand for feed sources, land and
                    Traig DeBoer                               water will only be substantiated by programs producing high-quality beef.
                                                               You no longer can afford to be a commodity producer; survival will require
                                                               a high-quality, high-end beef product.
           Paul, Kara &
                                                               Red Angus females offer ultimate maternal traits to be “the best mother
          Kallie Herbst;
          Renee, Brad,                                         cow” in the beef industry, exhibited by fertility, high milk production and
                                                               superior calf raising abilities. The 2022 Big Sky offering is the largest in the
         Cole & Brielle
           Kamerman,                                           history of this auction and the four producers represented have a proven
           Dave & Kay                                          track record of high-quality Red Angus cows that are unmatched in the
            Klompien                                           industry. If you are ready to take your program to the next level, make plans
                                                               now to be in Three Forks, Montana, on Dec. 7th or tune in via DVAuction to
                                                               bid live during this event.

                                                               If I can be of any assistance to you, please feel free to contact me at 641-
                                                               919-1077. I will be analyzing the cattle on Monday, Dec. 5th and Tuesday,
                                                   Chuck       Dec. 6th and would be glad to give you an unbiased opinion of the cattle
                                                   and Carol   selling.
                                                   Family      Best Regards,
                                                               Kyle Gilchrist

          Get off 1-90 at the Logan Exit, #283. Go north and take a left on the frontage road. Proceed west toward Three Forks, about 1/2 mile. Take a right
          onto Logan Trident Road, heading north. The road immediately crosses the Gallatin River and the railroad tracks, as shown on the map. Green
          Mountain Red Angus is 2 miles from the railroad tracks. Watch for the large Green Mountain Red Angus sign.
        2 – Big Sky Elite Female Sale                      Catalog online at • Video online at
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