Page 21 - ND Red Select Sale – Saturday, December 10, 2016
P. 21

       701-685-2687 • 701-320-8054 (c) •

                                                                                           34                                                     BRED HEIFER

                                                                                               HBR GINGER 377-513                                 WW:
                                                                                               BIRTH DATE REG. #                  CATEGORY:  BW:
                                                                                               2/16/15 3480186 100% 1A                            609

                                                                                                       BUF CRK LANCER R017                   | BECKTON LANCER F442 T
                                                                                                                                              BUF CRK JULIET N036
                                                                                           BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199
                                                                                                       BUF CRK SHOSHONE R353                 | BUF CRK JULIAN L080
                                                                                                                                              BUF CRK SHOSHONI 6410

                                                                                                       CBR TRAIL BLAZER 0603-351             | RED 6 MILE TRAILBLAZER 123T
                                                                                                                                              CBR MISS MESSY 165-351
                                                                                           HBR SAGE 0134-377
                                                                                                       HBR SAGE 447-0134                     | L83 COMANCHE 504
                                                                                                                                              HBR MISS GINGER 9933-447

                                                                                           HB GM CED BW WW YW M ME HPG CEM ST MARB YG CW REA FAT

                                                                                           122 49 7 -0.4 59 87 20 -2 12 10 11 0.47 -0.04 21 0.17 -0.01

                                                                                           19% 51% 27% 62% 43% 52% 57% 24% 27% 3% 34% 35% 27% 49% 35% 25%

              Lot 34                                                                       513 has taken her moderate size, added depth of body, a strong foot set, and stamped herself with
BUF CRK The Right Kind U199, sire                                                          that maternal look. She is a Right Kind U199 daughter, and Right Kind needs no introduction to the
                                                                                           breed. The maternal side of 513 has proven longevity in our herd. Take a close look sale day!

                                                                                           AI bred to Beckton Heritage B233 L4 (#1705792) on 5/10/16. Pasture exposed to 3 SCC
                                                                                           Hobo B326 (#1701519) from 5/24/2016 - 7/8/2016. Ultrasounded safe for a 2/26/17 heifer

Red Angus Guide to EPDs

HB ...... HerdBuilder Index – Need bulls for developing a pro?table cowherd and            CEM .... Calving Ease Maternal – Another number to pay attention to if you are
maximizing the value of marketed progeny? Select a bull with a high HB value.              retaining heifers. Selecting bulls with a high CEM will increase the probability of those
GM ...... GridMaster Index – If you market all of your calf crop and want to increase the  daughters calving unassisted.
value of that calf crop, select a bull with a high GM value to maximize your pro?t.        STAY.... Stayability – The most important trait if your goal is developing cows that stay
CED ..... Calving Ease Direct – Breeding Heifers? Select bulls with a high CED to          productive, thus increasing your pro?tability. Bulls with a high Stay EPD are expected
increase the probability that the heifers will calve unassisted.                           to sire daughters that remain productive in the herd until at least 6 years of age.
BW...... Birth Weight – Predicts differences in birth weight. BW is included in the CED    MARB .. Marbling Score – Select bulls with high MARB EPD to increase the number of
EPD, so simplify your decisions by selecting bulls based on CED instead of BW.             progeny that grade Choice or Prime.
WW ..... Weaning Weight and YW ....Y earling Weight – Predicts differences in weight       YG ...... Yield Grade – Marketing calves on a grid? Placing selection pressure on YG
at weaning and yearling. While selection based on these growth measures can                EPD will decrease the number of YG discounts on grid-marketed progeny.
increase your payweight, be cautious what the bull’s other EPDs are.                       CW...... Carcasss Weight – Selecting bulls with a high CW EPD will increase the weight
Milk .... Milk – Predicts differences in weaning weight of daughter’s progeny due to       of the hanging carcass, which directly impacts revenue.
milk production.                                                                           REA ..... Rib Eye Area – Need to add muscle? Select bulls with a high REA EPD to
ME ...... Maintenance Energy – Selecting bulls with a lower ME EPD will decrease the       increase rib eye area, which favorably increases Yield Grade.
amount of feed his daughters will require to maintain body weight.                         FAT ..... Backfat – Need to reduce waste in carcasses? Select bulls with a low FAT EPD
HPG..... Heifer Pregnancy – Retaining heifers? Select bulls with a high HPG to increase    to reduce backfat, which favorably increases Yield Grade.
the percentage of exposures that result in a calving observation.
                                                                                                 For more information on EPDs, visit

Catalog online at                                                               North Dakota Red Select Sale – 19
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