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                                                                                 Nation al Low  line Saleation al Low line Sale
                 17th Annual National Lowline Sale           The Nation al –

            Thursday, January 19, 2017                         a show  , a sale and much, much mor e!

                            1 p.m. MST                       Plan to attend the National Lowline events at the National Western
           Livestock Center Auction Arena “In the Yards”      Stock Show. It’s an action packed three days that are educational
          National Western Stock Show, Denver, Colorado             and fun with great cattle, speakers and friends!
        Sale Day Phones:
             Neil Effertz ......................................................Cell: 701-471-0153  Thursday, January 19
             Jan Effertz ......................................................Cell: 701-471-0152
                                                             8:00 a.m. –  No-Fit Junior Showmanship, Stockyards Arena
        Auctioneer: Neil Effertz
                                                             10:00 a.m. –  National Lowline People’s Choice Show of the Sale Cattle,
        Sale Headquarters:                                             Stockyards Arena
             Embassy Suites Denver Aurora • 303-775-0400
             444 N. Havana St. • Denver, CO  80239           6:30 p.m. –  Annual Banquet followed by ALJA Auction,
             Request the American Lowline Registry block of rooms and   Embassy Suites
             special rate. Book early!                                 Banquet entertainment by Evelyn Roper and Opal Moon
        Special Representatives:
             Dean Pike, American Lowline Registry .................. 303-810-7605
             Jim Gies, Western Livestock Journal .................... 970-590-0500
             Randy Rasby, Livestock Plus ................................ 308-539-6195
        Supplement Sheet and Video:
             Updated catalog information, photos and video can be viewed at
    and will be updated regularly until sale day.
             Livestock insurance will be available at the settlement desk.
        Trucking:                                                           Evelyn Roper and Opal Moon
             Lathrop Livestock Transportation has an offi ce in the Livestock
             Sales Arena in the yards during the stock show and has trucks   Friday, January 20
             going many directions during the National Western.  Their offi ce   8:00 a.m. –  Lowline Junior Show, Stockyards Arena
             phone is 847-426-5009.
                                                             10:00 a.m. –  National Lowline Heifer & Bull Pen Show, Stockyards Arena
        Terms & Conditions:                                  11:00 a.m. –  National Lowline Bull Show, Stockyards Arena
             The sale will be conducted under a standard set of terms and
             conditions. A copy of the terms and conditions can be found on-  6:00 p.m. –  Breeder’s Reception & Annual Meeting, Embassy Suites
             line at and will be available at the sale.     Kicked off by speaker
                                                                       Dr. David Lalman, professor and
        Absentee Buyers:                                               Extension beef cattle specialist,
             If you are unable to attend the sale and wish to attend the sale,
             please contact Neil Effertz (701-471-0153) or Dean Pike (303-  Oklahoma State University,
             810-7605) or one of the consignors or special representatives.   discussing the effi ciency of
             We will assist you in making trucking arrangements.       smaller framed cows.
                                                             Saturday, January 21
                           Sponsored by the
           American Lowline Registry • Parker, Colorado • 303-840-4343  11:00 a.m. –  National Lowline Female Show,
                                                                       Stockyards Arena         Dr. David Lalman

                  Sale Manager:

                    Your Market Masters • NEIL & JAN EFFERTZ
           • Cell: 701-471-0153
                    17350 Hwy. 1804 N. • Bismarck, ND 58503
                    Ph: 701-223-5202 • Fax: 701-223-5458
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