Page 39 - Loonan Stock Farm
P. 39
A Look At Frame Score
One frame score equals roughly 2” in hip height.
We have agreed with our bull buyers for several years that went up. Some by more than a full frame score.
the frame scores calculated for our catalog using the BIF Note: We hear a lot about the need for uniformity in beef cattle.
formula seem unrealistically low. The bulls grow out big- Frame size measurement is not an exact science, but we do believe
ger than that. For 2000-2004, we re-measured the bulls in the uniformity in the entire Loonan program, along with the
March and compared that to the original frame score based natural eshing ability, is why calves by Loonan bulls excel on
on December measurements. In all cases the frame scores the rail.
About The Catalog
RED ANGUS has four categories of registered Red Angus. SIMMENTAL has a complete upgrading program from the
1A – Purebred 100% Red Angus with no disqualifying half-blood to the purebred.
1B – 87% to 99% Red Angus with no disqualifying POLLED: P = Polled
characteristics. P/S = Polled/Scurred,
II – 86% or greater Red Angus blood, also 1A and 1B DP = Double Polled (both parents polled)
animals that are disquali ed because of scurs, white H = Horned
in front of navel, etc. Multiple sire animals (more than
one purebred bull in pasture) are also Category II.
III – Less than 87% Red Angus blood.
EPDs (Expected Progeny Difference)
Simmental data is from the American Simmental Association. Red Angus data is from the Red Angus Association of America. Growth
and carcass EPDs are con gured on the same common multi-breed base.
EPDs in the catalog are current as of this fall. When new data is processed by the associations, these gures will be updated and adjusted and the
EPDs on your registration papers may not be the same as those available at sale time due to new data at the association.
EPD Terms MM – Maternal Milk EPD – Simmental or M – Milk EPD – Red Angus
CEh – Calving Ease Heifer: Expected increase or decrease in weaning weight of daughters of this bull
Simmental: Expected ease with which calves sired by the bull will be born to due to milk production compared to breed average. Note: Data on this trait is
rst-calf heifers. Highest (+) gures mean more unassisted births. Lowest (-) limited, and, in many instances, has low accuracy.
gures mean less unassisted births. Marb – Marbling EPD
Red Angus: Expresses calving ease as CED (Calving Ease Direct). We have Predicts differences for carcass marbling score as expressed in marbling
ranked each bull one-, two- or three-star based on the best information we score units. Higher marbling scores are positively correlated with higher
have available on the individual and close relatives. carcass grades.
*** Should produce few calving problems when bred to REA – Ribeye Area EPD
rst-calf heifers. Predicts differences of carcass rib eye area between the 12th and 13th rib.
** Should work well on growthy heifers and cows. Ribeye area is positively correlated with carcass yield grade which also
* Recommended for use on cows only. considers fat thickness and carass weights.
BW – Birth Weight EPD FAT or BF– Backfat EPD
Expected birth weight of calves sired by this bull. Heavier (+) or lighter (-) Predicts differences for carcass fat depth over the 12th rib as expressed in
than “0” EPD animals are expressed in pounds. The BW EPD takes into inches. Fat thickness is negatively correlated with carcass yield grade which
account the genetics of the sire and dam and the actual birth weight of this also considers ribeye area and carcass weights.
bull. We weigh all calves on a spring scale within 24 hours of birth. We do API Index – All-Purpose Index – Simmental
not estimate any birth weights. Some calves born late on pasture are not API evaluates sires being used on the entire cowherd (bred to both Angus
weighed and are reported as UNK (unknown). rst-calf heifers and mature cows) with a portion of their daughters being
WW – Weaning Weight EPD retained for breeding and steers and remaining heifers being put on feed and
Expected weaning weight of this bull’s calves, heavier (+) or lighter (-) than sold on grade and yield.
an animal with a “0” EPD are expressed in pounds. Weaning weight EPD TI Index – Terminal Index – Simmental
takes into account the genetics inherited from the sire and dam in addition to TI is designed for evaluating sires’ economic merit in situations where they
the actual 205-day weaning weight of the individual. are bred to mature Angus cows and all offspring are placed in the feedlot
YW – Yearling Weight EPD and sold on grade and yield.
Expected weight of this bull’s calves at 365 days of age, expressed in pounds, HB Index – HerdBuilder Index – Red Angus
heavier (+) or lighter (-) than an animal with a “0” EPD. HB will assist in building pro table cowherds with bulls mated to both heif-
MCE-h – Maternal Calving Ease EPD of rst-calf heifer ers and mature cows, replacement heifers retained in the herd and remaining
Simmental: Expected ease with which this bull’s daughters calve as rst calf- progeny sold on a quality-based carcass grid.
heifers. Larger positive gures indicate a higher percent of unassisted births GM Index – GridMaster Index – Red Angus
(MCEc - cow). GM will increase pro tablity with bulls mated to mature cows and all prog-
STAY – Stayability EPD – Red Angus eny sold on a quality-based carcass grid.
Predicts the probability of a bull’s daughters remaining productive until at Red SimAngus™ –
least six years of age. The Red Angus Association of America and American Simmental Associa-
ME – Maintenance Energy EPD – Red Angus tion have worked together to build a multi-breed database that includes
The ME EPD predicts differences in energy requirements of mature daugh- SimAngus™. In the catalog, I have used the Association for the sire of each
ters of an individual and is expressed in Mega-calories per month. calf to publish as long as available.