Page 4 - Loonan Stock Farm
P. 4
“Located in the hills of southwest Iowa”
Judy Loonan
Rick Thompson, Herdsman
Phone: (641) 322-3921 • 1724 Holly Avenue • Corning, IA 50841 • Email:
Dear Friends,
On behalf of Judy and myself here at Loonan
Stock Farm, we would like to welcome you to our
42nd Annual Opening Day Private Treaty Sale.
There is a lot of uncertainty in the cattle market
today and it makes us wonder were the cattle
prices are headed. We all can hope for an up
market in months to come, but when we really sit Judy Loonan Rick Thompson
back and think about it, are the markets the real
reason we do what we do? I don’t think so.
We’re here because this is what we love to do
– getting up early or maybe up all night watch- has a lot of natural thickness. Brilliance was with
ing that new calf being born and seeing him get 40 cows and came off pasture looking like he did
up and get his rst milk or bouncing around out when we turned him out in the spring. He didn’t
in the green grass. Think about it – this is in our lose any weight. Watch for his calves because
blood. they are really good and seem to being carrying
plenty of frame for those of you that like frame.
I know for sure Judy and I love what we do. It’s a Don’t miss out.
lot of work but well worth the satisfaction of see-
ing the end product. As the saying goes, it’s more The other Red Angus bull, Scamp, was purchased
love than money -– the money no factor. So, let’s at Beckton Red Angus. He was used on mostly
all enjoy the time we spend with our cows. heifers with a few cows. His calves look to carry
the same traits – low birth weights with plenty of
This year’s sale offers quality and it runs deep muscle and growth.
in this set of bulls and females. The calves have
done well all summer long and have continued to We also purchased a new Simmental sire but
blossom into an outstanding group of seedstock unfortunately he did not work out so well. We
for you to choose from. banded all of his bull calves due to extremely
heavy birth weights.
Here at Loonan Stock Farm, we strive to bring
you the best of new genetics. We are always look- I’ve rambled on long enough so in closing, I will
ing for new outcross genetics to help improve say if you’re in need of cattle that are born easily,
our herd and our customers’ herds also. We have grow rapidly and are consistent in their genetic
strict guidelines we go by when we are purchas- make-up, please give us a call. If Judy or myself
ing new seedstock. People sometimes tell us we can be of any further assistance, or you just want
are unconventional but we want consistency to come and walk through the cattle, just let us
in our herd and we want you, the customer, to know.
know what you’re getting when you buy our Thanks for your time and we hope to see you in
bulls or females. February.
In this year’s offering, we have two new sires Sincerely,
that we are using. Brilliance, a bull we purchased
at Cross Diamond Cattle Co., is deep bodied and Judy and Rick