Page 33 - Twedt Red Angus and Ressler Angus Ranch Bull Sale
P. 33

Registered Bred Red Angus Heifers
                                                   Registered Bred Red Angus Heifers

                                                                 92   STRA RAMBLER 5108                       3479179

                                                                        BD   BW  WW  WR   Cat.  %    Tattoos  Dam’s MPPA  Age
                                                                      3/29/15 78  633  98   1B 99.9%  5108 STRA  100.6  2
                                                                      ROUSE EPITOME A33      BECKTON EPIC R397 K
                                                                                             GHR FLOWER T21
                                                                                             MESSMER PACKER S008
                                                                      STRA RAMBLER 317
                                                                                             STRA MISS KING 105
                                                                 HB  GM CED  BW WW YW   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  Marb   YG   CW  REA   Fat
                                                                107  51  2  -0.9  66 111 24  2  10  2  12  0.42  0.11  35  0.38  0.05
                                                                32% 20%  79% 55%  21%  9%  22% 66% 60% 79%  19%  45%   91%  10%  11%   98%
                                                               5108 is the fi rst Epitome bred to sell. She is a dandy. She is dark cherry red with lots of
                                                               style and real feminine. She is out of a beautiful Packer daughter.
                                                               Bred Bieber Federalist B543, due 3-24-2017, sex unknown
                                                     LOT 92

         93    STRA MISS RAMBLER 570                  3479138    94   STRA HEATHER BLOOM 571                  3479169
                 BD   BW  WW  WR   Cat.  %    Tattoos  Dam’s MPPA  Age  BD   BW  WW  WR   Cat.  %    Tattoos  Dam’s MPPA  Age
               2/28/15 59  651  101   1B 99.8%  570  STRA  98.9   2   2/28/15  68  540    TW   1A  100%  571  STRA  103.6  3
               FEDDES BIG SKY R9      BIEBER MAKE MIMI 7249           STRA WINCHESTER 357    SIX MILE WIN-CHESTER 745W
                                      FEDDES LAKINA 310                                      BAR R MISS COLTER 968
                                      BIEBER H HUGHES W109                                   MESSMER PACKER S008
               STRA MISS RAMBLER 348                                  STRA MISS PACKER 220
                                      BAR R MISS RAMBLER 503                                 BIEBER HEATHER BLOOM 172X
          HB  GM CED  BW WW YW   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  Marb   YG   CW  REA   Fat    HB  GM CED  BW WW YW   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  Marb   YG   CW  REA   Fat
         135  50  9  -4.7  61 84 25  4  17  4  12  0.49  -0.05  13  0.22   0   97  49  4  -1.4  63 95 21  2  8   3  11  0.33  -0.01  25  0.2  -0.01
          9%  27% 15%  6%  37% 57% 17% 82%  1%  60% 15%  31%   25%  73%  27%   54%   45%  45% 58%  45% 29% 33% 49% 59% 87%  75% 31%  67%   42%  36%  31%   45%
        570 is another real good Big Sky daughter of a fi rst-calf Hughes daughter. She offers lots   571 is the fi rst STRA Winchester 357 daughter to sell. We raised Winchester and sampled
        of calving ease with a 9 for CED and -4.7 for BW.      him on our own herd. He adds a lot of thickness and depth to his calves. 571 is a twin to
        AI bred PIE Cinch 4126, due 2-20-2017, Sex Bull        a heifer. We are selling one and keeping the other. They both stuck AI to Cinch with heifer
                                                               AI bred PIE Cinch 4126, due 2-20-2017, Sex Heifer
                                                                 95   STRA 520                               PENDING

                                                                        BD   BW  WW  WR   Cat.  %    Tattoos  Dam’s MPPA  Age
                                                                        2/20/15  75         1A  100%  520  STRA  98.6   4
                                                                          ANDRAS NEW DIRECTION R240      ANDRAS IN FOCUS B152
                                                                                               ANDRAS KURUBA B111
                                                                                                 MLK CRK EPIC 8171
                                                                        STRA EPIC 192
                                                                                                 BAR R VALUE HIGH 914
                                                                 HB  GM CED  BW WW YW   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  Marb   YG   CW  REA   Fat
                                                                             5  -2.8  60  97  27  -1  12  8   6  0.67  0.14  24  0.06  0.04
                                                               520 is the only New Direction bred to sell. She is super dark red with a little black pigmen-
                                                               tation on her face. She must have got missed at registration time and hope we have her
                                                               registered by sale but she sells registered 1A 100% (parental average EPDs).
                 ANDRAS NEW DIRECTION R240                     Bred Bieber Federalist B543, due 3-26-2017, Sex unknown

         96    STRA MARJA 558                         3479143    97   STRA CHERABEL 501                       3479239
                 BD   BW  WW  WR   Cat.  %    Tattoos  Dam’s MPPA  Age  BD   BW  WW  WR   Cat.  %    Tattoos  Dam’s MPPA  Age
               2/26/15 65  583  91   1A  100%  558  STRA  98.9   2    2/16/15 78  585  95   1A  100%  501  STRA  96.7   6
                                      FEDDES LAKINA 310                                      RED SIX MILE SIERA 257P
                                      5L NORSEMAN KING 2291                                  BADLANDS DESIGN 22S
               STRA MARJA 355                                         BAR R CUT ABOVE 912
                                      OHRR RED HAWK MARJA 685-44U                            PFFR CHERABEL 227
          HB  GM CED  BW WW YW   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  Marb   YG   CW  REA   Fat    HB  GM CED  BW WW YW   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  Marb   YG   CW  REA   Fat
         79  50  4  -2.2  54 78 26  4  15  -3  9  0.56  -0.14  13  0.39  -0.01   105  47  2  -0.1  60 87 25  1  10  11 11  0.13  0.11  22  -0.18   0
         72%  33% 53%  32% 61% 69% 11% 78%  6%  99% 68%  21%   8%  72%  10%   28%   34%  91% 75%  70% 42% 50% 16% 57% 62%  1%  28%  94%   91%  45%  97%   54%
        558 is another really good Big Sky heifer. She is out of really good up-and-coming Norse-  501 is a Sakic daughter that goes back to the Cherabel Cow family. She fell outside
        man King Daughter. This was her fi rst calf and she did a real good job.  our calving window otherwise she would not have been for sale. She should make on
        AI Bred PIE Cinch 4126, due 2-20-2017, Sex Bull        excellent cow.
                                                               Bred Bieber Federalist B543, due 5-12-2017, Sex unknown
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