Page 11 - Croissant Red Angus 2017 Bull & Commercial Heifer Sale
P. 11

        12 12  LJC RIGHT KIND 053D

                                                   1A 100%
                                                            BW    96  Ratio
                                  BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199  205 Adj  721  106
           LOOSLI RIGHT KIND 205
                                  MISS LL PACKER 005        365 Adj 1283  112
                                  TR COLT 45 UT806          %IMF  3.55  87
           LJC CLARISSA 053                                 REA  13.5  108
            MPPA: 106.2  AOD: 6   LJC MARISSA 823              ADG EPD  0.30
          HB   GM   CED   BW   WW   YW   MILK   ME   HPG   CEM  STAY   MARB   YG   CW   REA
         127 50   5  0.4  70  118  21  4   15  -1  14  0.08 -0.02 42 0.52
          16%  38%  52%  81%  14% 5%   47%  83% 6% 97% 8%   96%   36%   4%   5%
                  This bull is a tank – lots of width through his chest fl oor. Get behind him; he’s re-
                  ally wide from stifl e to stifl e. He is also the top gaining bull and top ADG EPD bull
                  in the sale.

        Croissant RedAngus t R dA                                       9
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