Page 3 - LaGrand Angus Ranch 2017 Yearling Bull Annual Production Sale
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Sale Information
LaGrand Angus Production Sale
Friday, March 24, 2017 • 12 p.m. CDT
Stockmen’s Livestock • Yankton, SD 57078
(605) 665-9641
LaGrand Angus Ranch, Lance Pankratz
44130 279 St. • Freeman, SD 57029
605-359-9221 •
Sale Day Phones “Second To None Guarantee”
Lance Pankratz .............................605-359-9221 LaGrand guarantees all bulls against any injury that
Malynda Penner ............................605-929-7314 would keep them from being a breeder for the for the
fi rst breeding season. Breeding season is defi ned as the
Auctioneer fi rst 90-day period following the fi rst turn out of bulls.
Dan Koupal ................................ 605-210-1124 If a problem occurs, we will bring a suitable replace-
ment or you will receive full credit minus the salvage
Ringmen value of the original bull, toward another purchase. The
Donny Leddy ................................605-695-0113 bottom line is that our customer is happy. This credit or
Cattle Business Weekly replacement guarantee pertains strictly to the physical
loss of the bull.
Sale Location
Stockmen’s Livestock Delivery
1200 E. Hwy 50 LaGrand will deliver any bull within a 300 mile circle
Yankton, SD 57078 from the Freeman ranch to central points. Or take ad-
605-665-9641 vantage of our special sale day only-haul your own and
receive a $50 per bull discount. Free wintering of the
Herd Health bulls until May 1.
All cattle will be accompanied with proper health certifi -
cates for immediate shipment. The bulls have all been Discounts
poured and are up to date on their vaccinations plus a If you purchased a bull on last year’s sale, you will
foot rot has been given. A copy of their fertility test will receive a 5% discount on this year’s sale. This discount
be sent to you with your registration papers. perpetuates into next year’s sale. Also, if you buy 5 or
more bulls, another 5% discount will be added.
Retained Interest
LaGrand retains a one-third semen interest in each bull Terms and Conditions
except where otherwise listed. Terms of the sale are cash and all settlements must be
made at the close of the auction. Cattle will sell under
Supplement Information the terms and conditions set forth by the American
All information including yearling weights, ultrasound Angus Association.
results, current pelvic, scrotals and AHIR data will be
provided sale day. Sale Promotion & Catalog
Tracey Koester, Cow Camp Promotions