Page 10 - MIlk Creek Red Angus Annual Bull Sale 2017
P. 10

        Reference Siresence Sires

                 6200 MLK CRK FUSION 6200                               6202 MLK CRK EPIC 6202

                 REG. # 3544356  TATTOO: 6200 BTK  BD: 2/9/16  100% 1A  REG. # 3544248  TATTOO: 6202 BTK  BD: 2/12/16  100% 1A
                                              BW/Ratio  102  120                                     BW/Ratio  80  94
                              MYTTY IN FOCUS
                                                                                     BECKTON EPIC D404
          ANDRAS IN FOCUS B175  [ DI ESTONIA 316  WW/Ratio  747  105  BECKTON EPIC K F075  [ BECKTON BELGA D483 KR  WW/Ratio  736  104
        ANDRAS FUSION R236                    YW/Ratio 1186  104  BECKTON EPIC R397 K                YW/Ratio 1245  109
                             [ ANDRAS BELLE 416  ADG/Ratio 2.73  100                [ BECKTON KIT A517 NP  ADG/Ratio 3.17  116
                                                                                     5L NORSEMAN EXPRESS
                              TR JULIAN LT142
          MLK CRK REDSTONE   [ MLK CRK LENA 763  %IMF/Ratio 2.86  100  5L GRAND EXPRESS 453-5655  [ 5L RUBY 01-453  %IMF/Ratio 2.53  89
        MLK CRK LANA 2281                     Fat/Ratio  0.24  93  MLK CRK LAKOTA 291                Fat/Ratio  0.25  88
          MLK CRK LANA 264    VDAR RAMBO 323                     MLK CRK LAKOTA 850  GLACIER CUB 446
                             [ MLK CRK LANA 704-HOBO  Dam’s                         [ MLK CRK LAKOTA 651  Dam’s
                                              MPPA/Age  104.3  4                                     MPPA/Age  95.3  4
          HB  GM CED  BW WW YW  M  ME HPG  CEM  ST   MB   YG   CW   REA   FAT    HB  GM CED  BW WW YW  M  ME HPG  CEM  ST   MB   YG   CW   REA   FAT
         111  50 10  -1.3  59 94  23  -1  13  5  10  0.70  0.17  24  -0.19  0.02   121  50 3  -1.9  63  106  21  -3  12 6 12  0.33  0.15  31  0.08  0.04
        TOP BREED %                                             TOP BREED %
         30%  29% 13% 49%  46% 38%  36% 38% 17% 38% 58%  11%  96%  38%  97%   82%   21%  32% 72% 40%  33% 18%  47% 20% 30% 27% 20%  68%  94%  21%  55%   93%
                                                               We now have 10-year-old daughters of Epic in production and this is our last group of
                                                               progeny from a sire that has made a large impact in our herd and the breed. Bulls like
                                                               6202 never go out of style. He has ratios in the right places, phenotype that is pleasing to
                                                               the eye, and a dam that has great feet and udder qualities.
                                                                        6203 MLK CRK FUSION 6203
                                                                        REG. # 3544213  TATTOO: 6203 BTK  BD: 2/13/16  100% 1A
                                                                                                     BW/Ratio  82  94
                                                                                     MYTTY IN FOCUS
                                                                 ANDRAS IN FOCUS B175  [ DI ESTONIA 316  WW/Ratio  763  108
                                                               ANDRAS FUSION R236                    YW/Ratio 1216  106
                                                                 ANDRAS BELLE B167   ANDRAS THUNDER B105
                                                                                    [ ANDRAS BELLE 416  ADG/Ratio 2.83  104
                                                                                     5L TRADITION 203-6145
                                                                 5L TRADEMARK 1715-6317  [ 5L LAKOTA 41C-1715  %IMF/Ratio 2.46  86
                                                               MLK CRK LAKOTA 007                    Fat/Ratio  0.15  133
                                                                 MLK CRK LAKOTA 429  SHOCO DATA
                                                                                    [ MLK CRK LAKOTA 066  Dam’s
                                                                                                     MPPA/Age  106.9  6
                                                                 HB  GM CED  BW WW YW  M  ME HPG  CEM  ST   MB   YG   CW   REA   FAT
                                                                116  51 10  -1.9  57 96  20  2  15  4  10  0.57  0.01  25  -0.06  -0.03
                                                                TOP BREED %
                                                                25%  17% 12% 40%  52% 34%  62% 67%  6%  50% 58%  24%  50%  36%  84%   9%
                                6203                           This Fusion son typifi es what his sire produces. They start out small at birth and grow to
                                                               produce above average weaning and yearling ratios. His dam has a 107 MPPA and is in
                                                               the top 15 percent of our cows when it comes to performance.

                                                                        6204 MLK CRK FUSION 6204
                                                                        REG. # 3544222  TATTOO: 6204 BTK  BD: 2/12/16  100% 1A
                                                                                     MYTTY IN FOCUS
                                                                 ANDRAS IN FOCUS B175  [ DI ESTONIA 316  BW/Ratio  703  81
                                                               ANDRAS FUSION R236                    YW/Ratio 1222  107
                                                                 ANDRAS BELLE B167   ANDRAS THUNDER B105
                                                                                    [ ANDRAS BELLE 416  ADG/Ratio 3.24  119
                                                                                     RED YY RED KNIGHT 640F
                                                                 MLK CRK KNIGHT 7153  [ MLK CRK SHEBA 043  %IMF/Ratio 3.19  112
                                                               MLK CRK SHEBA 111                     Fat/Ratio  0.28  75
                                                                 MLK CRK SHEBA 600   BUF CRK HOBO 1961
                                                                                    [ MLK CRK SHEBA 403  Dam’s
                                                                                                     MPPA/Age  96.9  5
                                                                 HB  GM CED  BW WW YW  M  ME HPG  CEM  ST   MB   YG   CW   REA   FAT
                                                                120  52 14  -5.0  53 90  23  0  12  5   9  0.72  0.14  17  -0.14  0.03
                                                                TOP BREED %
                                                                22%  8%  2%  5%  68% 48%  33% 43% 34% 39% 62%  10%  93%  63%  93%   89%
                                                               6204 is another stout made Fusion that is one of the highest gaining bulls on test with a
                                                               very moderate birth weight. Bulls like this should produce the type of cattle that the feed-
                                                               ers want a lot of and yet his dam is the right type of cow for eastern Montana.
        8 – Milk Creek Reds Bull Sale                                     Catalog and video online at
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