Page 3 - Kuhn's Red Angus - Crosshair Simmentals - Huber EY Red Angus 2017 Production Sale
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Sale Information

         Kuhn’s Red Angus • Crosshair Simmental • Huber EY Red Angus

                           Friday, April 28, 2017 at 5 p.m. CDT

                             Napoleon Livestock, Napoleon ND  • 1-800-932-8821 • 701-754-2216

        SALE DAY PHONE:ALE DAY PHONE:                          LIABILITY
            Ben Kleppe ..........................................................................701-426-9210  All persons attending the sale do so at their own risk. Kuhn’s Red Angus,
            Cassie Kleppe ......................................................................701-471-2699  Crosshair Simmental or Huber EY Red Angus assume no liability, legal or
            James Kuhn .........................................................................701-426-6921  otherwise, of any accidents which may occur.
            Stephanie Kuhn ...................................................................701-269-9959  BREEDING GUARANTEE:ARANTEE:
                                                               BREEDING GU
            Bryan Huber ........................................................................701-320-8054  Kuhn’s Red Angus, Crosshair Simmental and Huber EY Red Angus
            Emmy Huber........................................................................701-320-1995
                                                                   guarantee to provide you with a sound breeding bull capable of passing a
        SELLING:                                                   semen test at 14 months of age.
            37 Simmental Yearling Bulls                            If a problem arises, the seller must be notifi ed before Sept. 1, 2017. After
            47 Purebred Red Angus Yearling Bulls                   notifi cation of issue, seller has 90 days to make an adjustment of said
            70 Red Angus Commercial Heifers                        problem. It is the buyer’s responsibility to return the bull to the seller at
            10 Red Angus Commercial Cow-Calf Pairs
                                                                   the buyer’s expense.
        S                                                          If the bull is declared unsatisfactory, buyer will be provided with a bull of
            The bulls will be sold by a sale order that we will put together sale day.
                                                                   equal value or credit given towards the purchase of another bull, seller’s
        C                                                          choice.
            Prior to April 27, Kuhn’s Red Angus bulls can be viewed at the farmstead   At no time will seller be responsible for more than the purchase price of
            7 miles south of Napoleon on Hwy 3, 3 miles west then 1/2 mile north.
            Crosshair Simmental can be viewed at the farmstead 15 miles north of   Kuhn’s Red Angus, Crosshair Simmental and Huber EY Red Angus will
            Napoleon on Hwy 3 and 1 mile west.
                                                                   do everything possible to make any problem that arises, satisfactory to
            Huber EY Red Angus bulls can be view at the farmstead 2 miles north of   buyer.
            Jud, N.D., 3 miles east, and 1/2 mile north..
                                                                   Kuhn’s Red Angus, Crosshair Simmental and Huber EY Red Angus
            We invite you to join us for snacks, coffee and pop prior to the sale.   strongly encourage taking insurance on your purchases.
            Come earlier to view the cattle that afternoon, on April 28, 2017. The sale
            begins at 5 p.m. Central Time.                     TERMS AND CONDITIONS:
                                                               TERMS AND CONDITIONS:
        A                                                          As soon as any animal is sold, it becomes the responsibility of the
            Seth Weishaar .....................................................................605-210-1336  purchaser. We will discount $50 per bull taken home by the customer on
                                                                   sale day. After May 1, a $2.50 per-day feed cost will be charged.
            Kirby Goettsch, Farm & Ranch Guide ...........................605-380-3939 Cell  All sales are in the U.S dollar. Each animal is to be sold to the highest
                                                                   bidder. The auctioneer shall settle any disputes as to bids.
            Scott Ressler, N.D. Stockmen’s Assn. .......................701-223-2522 Offi ce
                                                701-391-7310 Cell  All cattle are to be paid for by the purchaser during or immediately after
                                                                   the sale and will not be removed until after settlement has been made
            Kris Petersen, Cattle Business Weekly ..........................701-339-0305 Cell
                                                                   unless prior arrangements have been made with Kuhn’s Red Angus,
        ONLINE VIDEOS AND C                                        Crosshair Simmental or Huber EY Red Angus.
   •          Napoleon Livestock would like the animals removed from their facility as
   • •
                                                                   soon as possible.
                                                               ONLINE BIDDING:
            We will offer volume discounts if you purchase multiple bulls from either   ONLINE BIDDING:
                                                                   If you can’t attend the sale, real-time bidding and live internet broadcast
            Kuhn’s Red Angus, Crosshair Simmental or Huber EY Red Angus –   is available through Please see page 2 for instructions
            3% discount on three bulls, a 4% discount on four bulls and a   on registering and bidding.
            5% discount on fi ve or more bulls. Discount does not apply to a combi-
            nation of bulls purchased from both.
            Photos & Videos: Kool Kreft Promotions • Lacey Kreft
            Promotion & Catalog: Cow Camp Promotions •
            Printing: United Printing, Bismarck, ND
            Kuhn’s Red Angus • Crosshair Simmental • Huber EY Red Angus                                       1
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