Page 3 - Valnes Ranch Red Angus Annual Production Sale Bulls-Heifers
P. 3
Sale Informationmation
Sale Infor
Annual Production Sale Saturday, April 8, 2017 • 1 p.m. CDT
Emit & Jayme Valnes Ranch • 12310 447th Ave • Eden, SD 57232 (Map and directions on page 2)
Sell ing 56 Red Angus Bulls (Including excellent heifer-bull prospects!) • 8 Hereford Bulls
7 Reg. Red Angus Open Heifers • 60 Comm. Red Angus Open Heifers
60 Comm. Red Angus First-Calf Heifer Pairs
VALNES RANCH RED ANGUS All cattle are on a complete vaccination program as recommended
Emit and Jayme Valnes ................... 605-228-8857 or 605-698-6596 by our veterinarian. We have a BVD-free herd. All bulls were fed
David and Debby Valnes .................. 605-698-7300 or 605-881-7933 together on a high roughage diet, though Emit and David fed their
own bulls separately this year.
We guarantee sight-unseen purchase satisfaction. Contact us or the BREEDING GUARANTEE:
auctioneer or ringmen. Your bids will be handled confi dentially. We guarantee all bulls to be breeders. All bulls will have been tested
Sale day phone numbers: and passed a breeding soundness and fertility test by Dr. Stephanie
Emit........................................................................ 605-228-8857 Bown. If for some reason we are unable to, we recommend you
David...................................................................... 605-881-7933 have the bull’s semen tested a couple of weeks before turnout time.
If after two tests a bull is found to be a non-breeder, we will replace
Kyle Shobe, Lewistown, MT ........................................ 406-366-0472 the bull or allow credit toward next year’s sale. This guarantee is
void if there is any evidence of improper management in caring for
RINGMEN: the animal, or the bull’s inability to breed is due to sickness or injury
Mark Hove, Special Assignment ................................. .605-290-4896 that was incurred after being sold. The bull shall be returned by the
Beau Bendigo, Cattle Business Weekly ........................ 605-515-3223 purchaser or other arrangements made with us.
Harold Bertz, Red Angus Assn. of America ................. 816-661-2289
SALE ORDER: All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk. The owners as-
Heifers will be sell fi rst, the pairs, open commercials heifers and sume no liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents which may occur.
open registered heifers. Bulls will follow and sell in catalog order.
SALE DAY LUNCH: A complimentary sale day lunch will be served. If you haul your own bull home sale day you will receive $50 off
TRAVEL: The nearest airports are Fargo, N.D., and Sioux Falls, S.D. the purchase price. We can assist you in delivering the bulls either
to your ranch or to central locations on major highways up to 300
ACCOMODATIONS: miles at the least cost possible to the new purchaser, within the next
Super 8, Sisseton, S.D. ............................................... 605-742-0808 week or so. All bulls need to be delivered by May 15th. If you need
I-29 Motel, Sisseton, S.D. ........................................... 605-698-4314 special arrangements please give us a call. No delivery on open
TERMS: heifers and pairs, that is the responsibility of the buyer. Please make
Terms of sale are cash or check. Settlement must be made in full arrangements so they can be transported as soon as possible.
immediately following the sale before animals can be loaded or LIVE BROADCAST:
delivered. Every animal sells to the highest bidder. Any dispute will The sale will be broadcast live over the internet. See directions to
be settled by the auctioneer. Any corrections from auction block take register to bid on page 2.
precedence over printed material in catalog. Bulls become buyers’
responsibility when auctioneer says, “Sold.” We are not responsible
for your bulls if they get hurt at our ranch once they are sold. We
encourage you to insure your bulls especially if you are not taking
them home that day. Promotion and Catalog:
Cow Camp Promotions
We are retaining a 1/3 semen interest in all the sale bulls unless
otherwise indicated. Full possession sells on all bulls. Videos of bull s available online at