Page 4 - Northwest Aberdeen Spectacular 2017 Cattle Sale
P. 4

Ankeny AcresAcres
         5         AA RED MAY FLOWER X150

                                       Halfblood Cow and 5/8 Heifer Calf
             Color: Red  Tattoo: AAX150  Reg. #:MF21447  BD: 5/4/10  BW:50
             Consignor:Ankeny Acres
                                       GOAN MACQUARIE II
                VITULUS YR            [ GOAN JEWEL LADY
             VITULUS RED BARON
                GOAN BLACK OPAL 5      GOAN KURRAJONG
                                      [ GOAN BLACK OPAL

            ANKENY ACRES RED POLL 490

        Lot 5A: Red 5/8 heifer calf AA167E born 5/11/17 BW: 54#, sired by AA Willis 74B MM26346.
        Look at these fi ne red Moderator females. This productive halfblood Vitulus Red Baron cow from
        a Red Poll base and a sweet made heifer calf. She is bred back to AA RB Encore FM22018.  Lot 5 and 5A

         6         AA LADY RED

                                       Halfblood Cow and 5/8 Heifer Calf
             Color: Red  Tattoo: W79  Reg. #:XF9121  BD: 4/6/09  BW:71
             Consignor:Ankeny Acres
                                       GLEN INNES N249
                GOAN WANDOO II        [ GOAN WATTLE III
                GOAN BLACK OPAL        TRANGIE M377
                                      [ TRANGIE L109

            RED POLL COW

        Lot 6A: Red 5/8 heifer calf AA288E born 6/4/17 BW: 58# sired by AA Willis 74B
        MM26346. Yet another deep, productive red moderator female with a shiny heifer calf. Pure
        Red Poll base on this high quality, easy fl eshing pair. She is bred back to AA RB Encore.  Lot 6 and 6A, inset AA Willis 74B, sire of 6A
         7         AA BLUEY’S RED ROSE

                                                Bred Halfblood Cow
             Color: Red  Tattoo: U88  Reg. #:XF8154  BD: 3/23/08  BW:50
             Consignor:Ankeny Acres
                                       GLEN INNES N249
                GOAN WANDOO II        [ GOAN WATTLE III
                GOAN BLACK OPAL        TRANGIE M377
                                      [ TRANGIE L109

            RED POLL COW

        Check out this big bodied, beefy red moderator halfblood cow by the superior quality grade
        sire Bluey and a Red Poll base. She’s stout made and bred to our great Vitulus Red Baron
        son AA RB Encore for a 3/4 blood cow next spring.                               Lot 7
         8         AA RED ANGUS X RED POLL COW                                                                Inset:

                                       Red Cow and Halfblood Bull Calf                                       Vitulus
             Color: Red  Tattoo: AA199  :      BD: 4/10/09  BW:70                                           Red Baron,
             Consignor:Ankeny Acres                                                                         foundation
                                                                                                             sire at
                                                                                                            Acres and
                                                                                                           sire of lot 8A


        Lot 8A: Red halfblood bull calf AA87E born 4/21/17 BW: 61# sired by Vitulus Red Baron.
        He’s a sout red Moderator herdsire prospect by Vitulus Red Baron on the side of a deepbod-
        ied Red Angus/Red Poll cow that sells bred back to AA RB Encore.    Lot 8 and 8A
        2   –   Northwest Aberdeen Spectacular Sale
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