Page 6 - Frey Red Angus Complete & Total Dispersal Oct. 28, 2017
P. 6

Bred Cows
        Bred Cows

        1 1       FREYS MISSIE 5392
                    BIRTH DATE   REG. #   CATEGORY:   BW:   WW:   YW:
        TAG: 527W  2/1/09  1330802  100% 1A    70   710  986
                                        RED HR RAMBO ET 91K
             RED COMPASS MULBERRY 449M
                                        SILVEIRAS REDFORD
                                        LCHMN GRANDCANYON 1244G
             UBAR GRAND PRIX 102
        FREYS MISSIE 517S              |FORSTER COPPRQUEEN 7168
                                        BADLANDS BONUS 702
             FREYS MISSIE 506H         |FREYS MISSIE 501D
          HB  GM CED  BW WW YW   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
         117 49  0  -0.2  69 111 23  4  15  7  12  0.05  0.02  36  0.38  0.01                                  Lot 1a
          23% 47% 90%  66% 12%  7%  39%  72% 10%  20%  20%  98%   56%  8%  10%   73%
        1a 1a     FREYS MISSIE 7527                            Bred on 5/13/17 to TKP Cinch 6274. Bull calf due 2/19/18.
                    BIRTH DATE   REG. #   CATEGORY:   BW:  WW:   SIRE:  A tremendous donor cow with fi ve progeny commanding total gross sales of $43,500.
        HEIFER    1/27/17 3735523 100% 1A  80 645  PIE CINCH 4126  A daughter sells as Lot 1A and two confi rmed heifer embryo pregnancies as Lots 5 & 6
          HB  GM CED  BW WW YW   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT  by Red RRAR Detour 6Z. Also selling 29 frozen embryos. Her 2017 heifer calf selling as
         119 49  2  -0.8  66 111 24  1  12  5  13  0.17  0.14  36  0.19  0.04  Lot 1A will have been exhibited at the 2017 NILE Show in Billings, Montana. Her MPPA
          25% 51% 78%  63% 21% 10% 22%  59% 35%  41%  14%  93%   95%  10%  37%   96%  is 108.8.
                                                               Lot 1’s daughter, Freys Missie 528B, sold in the 2014 North Dakota Red Select Sale
                                                               as Lot 20 to L83 Lodoen Ranch for $10,000. She also had a bull calf in our 2014
        Lot 1b -                                               production sale selling to Bailey Ranch of Towner for $10,000.
        Lot 1b - 5 EMBRYOS - RED RRAR DETOUR 6Z

        Lot 1c -                                               Lot 1f -
                                                               Lot 1f - 3 EMBRYOS - SLA BIG TIME 351A
        Lot 1c - 5 EMBRYOS - RED RRAR DETOUR 6Z
        Lot 1d -                                               Lot 1g -
                                                               Lot 1g - 3 EMBRYOS - SLA BIG TIME 351A
        Lot 1d - 5 EMBRYOS - RED RRAR DETOUR 6Z
        Lot 1e -                                               Lot 1h -
                                                               Lot 1h - 3 EMBRYOS - SLA BIG TIME 351A
        Lot 1e - 5 EMBRYOS - RED RRAR DETOUR 6Z
        4                                                                   Frey Red Angus Complete & Total Dispersal
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