Page 36 - Milk Creek Reds Female Sale – Nov. 3, 2017
P. 36

        Commercial Bred Heiferscial Bred Heifers

        These commercial lots will be located at the commercial breeders’ locations until delivery is arranged within two
        weeks after this sale. Delivery will be F.O.B. the consigner’s ranch load out area. Any interested buyers who want
        to view the cattle can contact the consigner or Milk Creek Reds to arrange for a tour of the cattle.

                 84      30 HEAD BRED HEIFERS                           85        35 HEAD OF BRED HEIFERS

                 CONSIGNOR: REG AND LANA HOFF                           CONSIGNOR: MILK CREEK RANCH
                         FORSYTH, MONTANA • 406-356-7576
        Reg and Lana are offering their home-raised, one-iron, bull-bred   We are offering these home-raised, one-iron bred heifers in three
        heifers that will calve beginning the fi rst of April for 30 days. The   lots. The buyer has the option to roll all three lots together.
        Hoffs have used Milk Creek calving-ease heifer bulls to use for
        cleanup on these heifers. These heifers, along with all of Hoff’s   The heifers are developed right alongside the registered heifers and
        cows, are run on short, hard-grass country north of Forsyth, Mon-  have PregGuard 10 FP in the spring and Detomax in the fall. They
        tana, where they have to earn their keep. The cattle are gentle and   are AIed to the same bulls that we AI the registered heifers to, and
        have been handled on foot as well as horseback with dogs.  cleaned up with the same heifer bulls.
                                                               Lot 85A
        Heifers have been vaccinated with PregGuard 10 FP in the spring
        and boostered with Novartis ViraShield 6 VL 5 and poured with   10 head of time-bred, AIed heifers, ultrasounded due to calf Feb. 24
        Detomax at ultrasound time.                            Lot 85B
                                                               15 head of time-bred, AIed and bull-bred heifers, ultrasounded due
        Heifers were ultrasound pregnancy tested by Fallon County Vet
        Clinic.                                                to calve March 6 – 16. Buyer may take gate cut of 5 or all 15
                                                               Lot 85C
        These heifers will be offered in groups of 10 gate cut or the top
        bidder can take all 30. The delivery will be FOB the ranch at Forsyth,   10 head of bull-bred heifers, ultrasounded due to calve March 30 –
        Montana, the week following the sale.                  April 7.

        34 – Milk Creek Reds Female Sale                                  Catalog and video online at
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