Page 6 - Lazy J Bar Ranch Red Angus Sale Heifers Bulls - New Year's Eve Extravaganza
P. 6

Open Heifers

        1         LAZYJ ECHO 704-2657ET           Reg. # 3707361
                  BD:   2/5/17
                           Tattoo: 704 LZYJ
                                        Cat: 100% 1A
                BROWN PARAMOUNT X7879  [  BECKTON NEBULA P P707
                BROWN MS REVELATION T7650  [  BROWN REVELATION P7021      Well, where do we start the sale? That is the question every year. You know we just catalog these
                                       BOLA MARSI’ R226
                RED BRYLOR NEW TREND 22  [  SSS BLACK TREND 13B  heifers by birth date order for the most part with the exception of fl ipping these fi rst couple heifers
                                                               around. Actually, I hoped that you would be so excited for Lot 1 you would skip over Lot 2, but the
             NER COPPER QUEEN 2657     MEADOW CK MS SEAMAN 31A  more I study this 704 heifer and look at her pedigree, I shake my head in wonder as to why we are
                FORSTER COPPRQUEEN 7166  [  FCC RAMBO 502      letting her go. I say it every year on about every heifer we sell. What can I say? I like to hoard cattle.
                                       MISS FORSTER CPRTOP 591
        BW:   76  205-Day Wt.: 617                             I had her dam in mind when we purchased Performance. Full sibs have sold the past couple years
                                                               in the sale and everyone can’t say enough good about them. Dave Kemen got the full sib heifer
          HB  GM CED  BW WW YW   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT  to her and states that she will make their donor pen. She is just fl at good! Rohrich’s Cutting Edge
         103  51  2  1.0  70 108 22  5  13  1  11  0.91  0.11  36  0.04  0.01  Ranch got a full sib bull and is really impressed with how well he held up during his fi rst breeding
         46%  21% 81% 90%  13% 15% 41% 90% 29%  93% 32%  4%   89%  10%  70%   65%  season and are excited to see their fi rst calf crop. I don’t think we need to talk her up any more.

                                                               2         LAZYJ ELIZABETH 702-544
                                                                                  Tattoo: 702 KPRA
                                                                                                          Reg. # 3706331
                                                                         BD:   2/1/17
                                                                                                Cat: 100% 1A
                                                                       RRA LOGISTICS 227     [  HXC CONQUEST 4405P
                                                                    RRA LOGISTICS 5119        RRA RACHEL 246 746
                                                                       DAMAR W085 MIME Z391  [  C-BAR ANTICIPATION 101W
                                                                                              DAMAR MIMI W085
                                                                       ANDRAS NEW DIRECTION R240  [  ANDRAS IN FOCUS B152
                                                                    RRA COPPER QUEEN 3220 544  ANDRAS KURUBA B111
                                                                       GJRA/LZYJ ASHLEI 3220-2657  [  RED LAZY MC COWBOY CUT 26U
                                                                                              NER COPPER QUEEN 2657
                                                               BW:   91  205-Day Wt.: 703
                                                                 HB  GM CED  BW WW YW   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 86  49  4  -1.4  68 107 24  0  13  7   7  0.10  0.01  32  0.12  -0.01
                                                                 68%  57% 62% 51%  17% 16% 21% 42% 29%  15% 82%  95%   53%  18%  51%   23%
                                                                   We bred her dam for an early calf as we showed her mama for a limited time. The day this heifer hit
                                                               the straw I could see her potential. We are so impressed with the calves that we have out of the RRA
                                Lot 2                          Logistics 5119 bull. He is our kind of bull to use on heifers. They come easy but they are not little
                                                               jackrabbits when they come out. He stamps his calves with a clean front third. This girl is pretty
        hard to put on the sale. She was destined to stay here and go back into the herd, however with the drought conditions continuing this fall and not knowing what spring will bring, she is being offered. Ev-
        eryone knows how meticulous Kurt Rich is when picking his females and he didn’t waste any time purchasing her granddam a few years ago in our sale. Mating this heifer to a bull from the Rich program
        was a no brainer. You want a female to last and raise you some future donors, here she is.

                                                               3         LAZYJ EDEN 705-927ET             Reg. # 3707363
                                                                                                Cat: 100% 1A
                                                                         BD:   2/7/17
                                                                                  Tattoo: 705 LZYJ
                                                                       SIX MILE GAME FACE 164Y  [  VGW GAME PLAN 816
                                                                    TWG TOMMY JACK 166A       RED SIX MILE LAKOTO 35W
                                                                       DAMAR PASSION X166    [  RED FINE LINE MULBERRY 26P
                                                                                              DFRA JOPLIN 501L
                                                                       5L FOREVER GRAND 5834  [  LCHMN GRANDCANYON 1244G
                                                                    FOREVER QUEEN 927-2657    NORSEMAN 1312 PJM
                                                                       NER COPPER QUEEN 2657  [  RED BRYLOR NEW TREND 22
                                                                                              FORSTER COPPRQUEEN 7166
                                                               BW:   76  205-Day Wt.: 492
                                                                 HB  GM CED  BW WW YW   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 43  46  -2  1.6  61 99 17  3  7   3   7  -0.20  0.08  32  0.19  0.02
                                                                 95%  98% 99% 95%  41% 30% 81% 71% 98%  81% 85%  99%   80%  18%  37%   84%
                                                                   Well here might be where I start my rant about throwing out the papers and breeding on pedigree
                                                               and looks alone. Sometimes it seems we get stuck on looking at EPDs alone and forget to look at
                 NER Copper Queen 2657, granddam               the animal itself. Watch her video. Maybe you won’t like her but that won’t break our hearts. She
                                                               will produce on pedigree alone!

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