Page 2 - Dahl Land & Cattle Replacement Heifer Auction – Feb. 22, 2018 Private Treaty Bull Sale
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Dear Family, Friends and all Past, Present and Future Customers:

        Dahl Land & Cattle LLP hopes that you and your family had a   Being in the seedstock business has never been easy. Extra re-
        great 2017 and a blessed Christmas and holiday season.  cord keeping, more labor, increased expenses from registration
                                                               to advertising are some of the things that we have spent hours
        Several years ago, we moved our original sale date from March   the last couple years discussing, debating, crunching numbers
        to the fi rst Tuesday in May. There were several good reasons   and thinking about.
        for doing this including we historically calve in March and
        April. Having a sale in May allowed our sale cattle to be a full   With all that being said. We realize we have spent too many
        12 months old and the performance data would be a more   years developing the genetics, invested too much time and la-
        accurate number. It allowed us to be able fertility test our cattle   bor to just leave the seedstock business and leave good custom-
        and have a more reliable test result. The cattle were fed and   ers who have come to appreciate and rely on our genetics.
        cared for at our risk if something should happen to them, not at
        the buyer’s risk. The cattle were ready to turn out on grass for   Dahl Land & Cattle LLP has decided that to accomplish our
        breeding.                                              goals – and hopefully yours – that we are going to change our
                                                               marketing strategy by going from an annual production sale to
        We were pioneers in the area to offer ready-to-breed, one-  a private treaty sale.
        brand, replacement-quality females in large enough numbers to
        make it worthwhile.                                    Our yearling replacement heifers have developed quite a
                                                               following. We truly appreciate the customers that make the
        Over the last couple years, there have been quite a few changes   heifer sale successful, so on Feb. 22, 2018, we will be offering
        in the “cattle industry.” Mostly, the age of the producers has   100 yearling replacement heifers for sale at Napoleon Livestock,
        increased, and they are looking towards less labor and easier   Napoleon, N.D. They will be Bangs vaccinated and vet checked
        labor. It has resulted in producers moving their calving dates   for breeding soundness.
        to be more in-line with nature. It has also changed the produc-
        er mindset from one of more pounds sold to one of more live   Beginning on March 15, 2018, we will offer 50 yearling bulls
        calves sold at weaning (more calving ease). We have always   for sale at private treaty. The bulls will be at our feedlot located
        had that mindset. Also, there have been changes in farming   at 4771 57th St SE, Streeter, ND. There will be performance
        practices from primarily small grains to more row crops. That   information available on them, they will be sorted by price
        has meant that some of our customers may be in the fi eld on   and phenotype. We will feed and hold the bulls until the buyer
        our sale day.                                          either needs them or they have passed a semen test. If the buyer
                                                               needs them early, the bulls will be guaranteed breeders. We
        As was mentioned earlier, the average age of cattle producers   will do our best to deliver them. If you wish to view the bulls,
        has increased. At Dahl Land & Cattle, time has not stood still.   please contact us and we will be more than happy to show
        The partners realize that we are aging just like everyone else.   them to you. We will post performance information on our
        Time has forced us to take a long hard look at where and what   web-site, or if you contact u,s we will send
        we are doing and where and what we want to be doing. How   you the information.
        do we get from today, to doing what we envision the future to
        be? It has become obvious over the last couple years that the   In closing, Dahl Land & Cattle LLP hopes that you have a very
        number of producers who want to be in the seedstock business   successful 2018.
        has exploded. The increase seems to have mostly come from
        younger producers who see the seedstock business as a way of   Sincerely,
        increasing revenue without having to increase their land base.  Dahl Land & Cattle LLP
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