Page 7 - Croissant Red Angus Bulls and Replacement Heifers Sale – March 24, 2018
P. 7


                                                   1A 100%
                                                            BW    65  Ratio
                                  5L ADVANTAGE 3267-221Y    205 Adj  695  106
           5L TOPGUN 560-65B
                                  5L BLACK ADINA 525-560    365 Adj 1184  108
                                  LJC MERLIN 937Z           %IMF  3.49  87
           LJC MISSY 513                                    REA  12.5  106
            MPPA: 102.4  AOD: 2   LJC LIZZY 103                ADG EPD  0.281
          HB   GM   CED   BW   WW   YW   MILK   ME   HPG   CEM  STAY   MARB   YG   CW   REA
         215 57  15 -4.6  68  113  17  3   16   8  16  0.75 -0.12 30 0.52
           1%   1%   1%  9%   14% 9%   71%  79% 4% 10% 2%   8%   9%   20%  4%
                  Blue Print manhandles the top 1% for profi tability – easily besting it for both GridMaster and
                  HerdBuilder. Of course, a live calf is a prerequisite for profi t, so it’s good that 513E ranks in the
                  easiest calving 1% of the breed – but not many calves from sleep-all-night heifer bulls can press
                  the scales with heaviest 9% yearling pay weight like this moderate, deep-ribbed TopGun son. And
                  you’ll want to keep all the heifers since he ranks in the top 10% or better for all the reproductive
                  traits. Retaining 1/2 interest.
        4     LJC PROFIT MASTER 253E
                                                   1B 99.9%
                                                            BW    92  Ratio
                                  5L ADVANTAGE 3267-221Y    205 Adj  771  114
           5L TOPGUN 560-65B
                                  5L BLACK ADINA 525-560    365 Adj 1308  114
                                  5L TRADN DESIGNS 2367-331W  %IMF  4.19  110
           LJC TIVOLI 253                                   REA  14.3  110
            MPPA: 103.1  AOD: 5   LJC NEXA 026                 ADG EPD  0.325
          HB   GM   CED   BW   WW   YW   MILK   ME   HPG   CEM  STAY   MARB   YG   CW   REA
         205 57  10 0.0  79  131  14   2   20   7  15  0.72  0.13  48 0.34
           1%   1%  19%  79%   2%   1%   89%  64% 1% 12% 5%   9%   90%   1%  14%
                  One of the higher ADG EPD bulls in the sale, and it’s packaged with double-digit calving ease. If
                  you’re all about successful outcomes, you’ll appreciate this powerfully made, wide-based TopGun
                  son who bested his contemporaries by at least 10% for WW, YW, IMF and REA. This bull predicts
                  to improve your paycheck through improved rate of gain and producing more pounds of higher
                  quality carcasses … But his most signifi cant contribution should be through his daughters –
                  note the elite breed rank for fertility and longevity traits. Retaining 1/2 interest.
        5     LJC CREDENCE 549E
                                                   1B 98.8%
                                                            BW    72  Ratio
                                  5L DEFENDER 560-30Z       205 Adj  704  108
                                  SOR BRASKA HN1160Y A059   365 Adj 1203  109
                                  LOOSLI RIGHT KIND 205     %IMF  4.64  116
           LJC KINZIE 549                                   REA  12.9  109
            MPPA: 103.2  AOD: 2   LJC COLLETTE 145             ADG EPD  0.294
          HB   GM   CED   BW   WW   YW   MILK   ME   HPG   CEM  STAY   MARB   YG   CW   REA
         179 56  12 -3.3  77  124  14  -1  13   4  14  0.83  0.03  39 0.68
         2%  2%  9% 23%  3%   2%  89%  42% 28% 65%  7%  5%   54%  6%  1%
                  Moderate, deep and thick describe the fi rst son of Confi dence to sell. Raised by
                  a 2-year-old Right Kind daughter who earned a 103 MPPA on her fi rst try, 549E
                  came into the world at an uneventful 72 lbs, but gained attention and pushed in
                  front of his contemporaries at ever weight and measure since.
                  Retaining 1/2 interest.
        Croissant RedAngus                                              5
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