Page 5 - Feddes and C-T Red Angus Annual Production Sale Bulls Heifers – March 26, 2018
P. 5

                                                                                             SALE INFORMATIONALE INFORMATION

         Cooperators Keith and Brook Hickle, and sons Clay, Cole and Carson  Cooperators Ryan & Lindsey Clark Lainey and Ryle
                      Rockin’ Bar H Ranch, Auburn, WA                          Clark Red Angus, Fishtail, MT
               Rockin’ Bar H Ranch will use RBH prefi x on their cattle  Clark Red Angus will use CCC prefi x on their cattle

                                           Travis, Janet,
                                           Jaycee and Kaylee
                                           Kindred, our new
                                            hired hands!

                                              Please detach at perforation

           Please fi ll out and give to the registration desk when getting your buyer number.

        Buyer Number ________________________________

        Name _____________________________________________________________________________________

        Address ___________________________________________________________________________________

        City ________________________________________  State ________________  Zip  ____________________

        Phone ______________________________________  Email _______________________________________

        Do you want delivery?       Yes            No

        Delivery Instructions_________________________________________________________________________




        View the full-color catalog online at             Feddes / C-T Red Angus Production Sale – 3
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