Page 10 - Rohrich’s Cutting Edge Ranch Annual Red Angus Bull Sale – March 16, 2018
P. 10

Yearling Bulls

                                                               1 1     CER BEAST 7236
                                                                       CER BEAST 7236
                                                                   BD B  Cat.   %   Reg. #   Dam’s MPPA   Dam’s Age
                                                                 3/2/17  1A 100%   3847559  103.6    5      BW: 92
                                                                                    CRUMP RUNAWAY 3178
                                                               CRUMP THE BEAST 5125                        205 Wt. 838
                                                                                    MDM SUSIE 133-9        365 Wt. 1383
                                                               TMR 213Z             KKC BIG SKY 2W
                                                                                    BERA GLORYANNA X008
                                                                 HB  GM CED  BW WW YW   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 121  53  0  1.5  82 121 19  3  10  2  11  0.53  0.03  44  0.16  -0.02
                                                                37% 10%  94% 94%  1%  4%  45%  73%  68% 87%  27%  26%   53%   3%   35%   14%
                                                               •  Deep and powerful with excellent feet and legs
                                                               •  Huge quartered, wide topped, long bodied
                                                               •  Structurally correct, moves out well
                                                      Lot 1t 1  •  Herd bull material!
                                                               2 2     CER SAKIC 7203
                                                                       CER SAKIC 7203
                                                                   BD BD  Cat.   %   Reg. #   Dam’s MPPA   Dam’s Age
                                                                 2/16/17  1A 100%  3847545  100.0    5      BW: 82
                                                                                    RED SIX MILE AVIATOR 217P
                                                               RED SIX MILE SAKIC 832S                     205 Wt. 804
                                                                                    RED SIX MILE SIERA 257P  365 Wt. 1319
                                                               SCOTT RUTH Z205      LSF JBOB EXPECTATION 6034S
                                                                                    SCOTT ELSE 825
                                                                 HB  GM CED  BW WW YW   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 133  49  4  -1.5  67 96 21  3  12  13 11  0.34  0.04  24  0.03  0.00
                                                                24%  53% 65%  52% 21% 36% 31%  75%  33%  1%  38%  62%   58%  39%  59%   45%
                                                               • Th  is bull is backed by extensive maternal power
                                                               •  Keep all of the females from this guy
                                                               •  Extremely long, big stout herd bull prospect
                                                      Lot 2t 2  •  If you sell by the pound, this is your guy
                                                               •  I will want semen
                                                               3       CER CONQUEST 7239
                                                                       CER CONQUEST 7239
                                                                   BD BD  Cat.   %   Reg. #   Dam’s MPPA   Dam’s Age
                                                                 2/17/17  1A 100%  3847513  102.3    6      BW: 90
                                                                                    BECKTON JULIAN GG B571
                                                               HXC CONQUEST 4405P                          205 Wt. 842
                                                                                    HXC ELLIE MAY MA638    365 Wt. 1314
                                                                                    RED BRYLOR SMOKER 64S
                                                               WCAT HEATHER 068Y
                                                                                    RED CRIPPS HEATHER 603S
                                                                 HB  GM CED  BW WW YW   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 121  51  6  -1.4  65 101 18  -1  13  3  10  0.31  0.08  28  0.09  0.02
                                                                36%  32% 44%  54% 27% 27% 58%  37%  26%  72% 45%  68%   78%  28%  48%   75%
                                                               •  A cow bull with extra growth and performance
                                                               •  With an 842 WW, this fella means business
                                                               •  Very thick with a massive muscle pattern
                                                      Lot 3t 3
                                                      Lo       •  Attractive bull with a lot of potential
                                                               4 4     CER TH
                                                                       CER THE BEAST 7234E BEAST 7234
                                                                   BD BD  Cat.   %   Reg. #   Dam’s MPPA   Dam’s Age
                                                                 3/6/17  1A 100%   3847869  100.8    6      BW: 82
                                                                                    CRUMP RUNAWAY 3178
                                                               CRUMP THE BEAST 5125                        205 Wt. 835
                                                                                    MDM SUSIE 133-9        365 Wt. 1359
                                                                                    ANDRAS HOBO 6048
                                                               DBR KATHY L2463
                                                                                    DBR KATHY I 2863
                                                                 HB  GM CED  BW WW YW   M  ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB   YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 130  54  4  -0.9  82 123 14  2  10  4  11  0.53  0.00  41  0.15  -0.03
                                                                26%  7% 61%  64% 1%  3% 85%  68%  71%  64%  34%  25%   42%   4%   35%   9%
                                                               •  Long bodied, deep sided, wide topped bull
                                                               •  Solid set of EPD’s across the board
                                                               •  Very functional bull with some calving ease and growth
                                                      Lot 4t 4
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