Page 15 - Kravig Red Angus Bulls Annual Production Sale – April 10, 2018
P. 15

                                    Yearling Bullsearling Bulls
               KRV PACKER 725 - 922RV PACKER 725 - 922
        4      K                               #3810448
                 BD   BW  WW  WR    Cat.  %      Tattoos
               4/23/17 76   626  100   1A  100%   725  KRV
        KRV PACKER 201           HLH PACKER 5190 2187
                                 KRV JULIE 201
        KDCS JIMENA 922          BECKTON JULIAN P172 G2
                                 BECKTON LANA P639 LN
          HB  GM CED BW  WW  YW  M  ME HPG  CEM  ST  MB   YG  CW  REA   FAT
         138  49 12  -4.2  48  74 20  -4  14  6  11  0.31  0.01  8  0.07 0.01
         20% 62%  6%  13% 81% 79%  45% 19% 10% 20%  33% 69%   44%  84%  52%   74%
        Look at the top and the leg in this stud! This is a top-shelf heifer bull but
        nobody would question you for using him on your best cows. This bull will
        be sure to catch your eye on a daily basis and is stacked with maternal traits!
        Keep everyone of his daughters and your cowherd will be the talk of the

                                                  Lot 4
                                                  Lot 4

        5      YRA BIG PAPI 7012RA BIG PAPI 7012  #3796692
                 BD   BW   WW  WR   Cat.  %      Tattoos
               3/24/17 82   682  113   1A  100%   7012  YRA
        KRV EASY 5049            OVER AT EASE 510A
                                 KRV HOBO’S GIRL
                                 HPR SEQUOYA 0767
          HB  GM CED BW  WW  YW  M  ME HPG  CEM  ST  MB   YG  CW  REA   FAT
         121 55  3  -0.6  81 128  16  6  13  3  9  0.52  -0.02  45  0.18  -0.04
         36%  3%  73%  70%  1%  2%  77% 95% 26% 66%  65% 28%   31%  2%  31%   6%
        This is fi rst of several Young Red Angus bulls to sell in the sale this year. With
        numbers in the top 1% for weaning weight, top 1% for yearling weight and all
        four carcass EPDs inside of the top 30%, the feeders will be knocking at your
        door to buy the calves out this son of KRV Easy 5049.

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