Page 28 - Kravig Red Angus Bulls Annual Production Sale – April 10, 2018
P. 28

Yearling Bullsearling Bulls
               KRV PACKER 724 - 132RV PACKER 724 - 132
        38     K                               #3810436
                 BD   BW  WW  WR    Cat.  %      Tattoos
               4/23/17 71   608  98   1A  100%   724  KRV
        KRV PACKER 201           HLH PACKER 5190 2187
                                 KRV JULIE 201
        KDCS EVA 132             BECKTON JULIAN W711 D5
                                 BECKTON ENCINO U097 LI
          HB  GM CED BW  WW  YW  M  ME HPG  CEM  ST  MB   YG  CW  REA   FAT
         142  49 12  -4.2  42  66 13  -8  17  5  12  0.38  0.01  4  0.08 0.02
         17% 62%  8%  13% 91% 89%  92%  3%  2%  40%  26% 52%   44%  91%  51%   82%
        A light-red, heifer-bull deluxe! This guy will allow you many peaceful nights
        next spring when calving your heifers!

               KRV 7042 – COMMERCIALRV 7042 – COMMERCIAL
        39     K
                 BD   BW   WW  WR   Cat.  %      Tattoos
               4/6/17   68   557               %   7042  KRV
        LJC ADMIRAL 354C         5L ADMIRAL 1070-163A
                                 LJC MARGO 354

          HB  GM CED BW  WW  YW  M  ME HPG  CEM  ST  MB   YG  CW  REA   FAT

        7042 is a very moderate-framed bull that is built like a brick. He is another
        LJC Admiral 354C son who is thick made from front to back and top to bot-

        40     KRV PACKER 709 - 250RV PACKER 709 - 250  #3810454
                 BD   BW   WW  WR   Cat.  %      Tattoos
               4/8/17  65  583 91   1A 100%    709  KRV
        HLH PACKER 5190 2187     MESSMER PACKER S008
                                 HLH MS POWER 2047 5190
        K2 CHALLIS HLT 412 250   LR HAMILTON 721
                                 K2 CHEY 412
          HB  GM CED BW  WW  YW  M  ME HPG  CEM  ST  MB   YG  CW  REA   FAT
         101  45 12  -6.5  34  48 16  2  13  6  9  0.25  -0.11  -11  0.12 0.01
         62% 97%  7%  2%  98% 98%  80% 65% 21% 28%  71% 81%   10%  99%  42%   61%
        Sleep-all-night heifer bull that you would be proud to show off! He possesses
        a CED in the top 7% and a BW in the top 2% of the breed!

                                                 Lot 40
                                                 Lot 40
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