Page 20 - Effertz EZ Ranch Aberdeen Angus Breeders Seminar & Production Sale – June 2, 2018 bulls heifers pairs embryos
P. 20

                                               Fullblood Bulls

                                                   Fullblood Bull
          59 EZ Buster 29D                       Reg: Pending
                 BD: 4/22/16  Tatt EZ29D  Black       BW: 47
                                        Ardrossan Neron
                 MCR Opinionated        MCR Blue Flag
        Bonanza’s Boxcar 3Y
                                        Kobblevale Chudleigh
                 Bonanza LLC Starr
                                        Binnowee Starr
                                        Nevada N060
                 Brambletye Utah
                                        Brambletye Bronwyn II M051
        EZ Alta 14Z                     Messmate P012
                 EZ Olivia 15G
                                        Mugga Esther E361
        Buster is stacked for genetic superiority with Boxcar, Utah and Olivia 15G.
        He is a brother to EZ Hottie’s Girl, last year’s winningest heifer, and he
        should produce some exceptional females.
        Actual weight May 1: 960#, Height: 44”                                          Lot 59
                                                                                        Lot 59

                                                   Fullblood Bull                                         Fullblood Bull
          60 EZ Bosco 41D                        Reg: Pending    61 EZ Barney 47D                       Reg: Pending
                 BD: 5/9/16  Tatt EZ41D   Black      BW: 44             BD: 5/25/16  Tatt EZ47D  Black       BW: 48
                                        Ardrossan Neron                                        Ardrossan Neron
                 MCR Opinionated        MCR Blue Flag                    MCR Opinionated       MCR Blue Flag
        Bonanza’s Boxcar 3Y                                    Bonanza’s Boxcar 3Y
                                        Kobblevale Chudleigh                                   Kobblevale Chudleigh
                 Bonanza LLC Starr                                       Bonanza LLC Starr
                                        Binnowee Starr                                         Binnowee Starr
                                        Brackengrae Beau Lad                                   Midshipman M206
                 Lazy G Beau                                             EZ Magnum 72J
                                        Brambletye Agnes J306                                  Mugga Marnie K L290
        Lazy G Tori 4X18                The Glebe Curly Jen    EZ Livvy 21U                    Messmate P012
                 Top of the Range Tina                                   EZ Olivia 15G
                                        Trangie M476                                           Mugga Esther E361
        Bosco is a Boxcar son out of the great 4X18 cow whose sire, Lazy G   Barney is a powerhouse Boxcar son out of the proven Livvy 21U cow whose
        Beau, is a full brother to Low Beau who has produced so many winners for   dam is the mother of our Lisbon herd sire. Developed on grass and forage,
        Tummons Cattle and is the sire of the $85,000 Duff Trust Me. Bosco has   he is easy fl eshing, well muscled and has an exceptional carcass index,
        an excellent carcass index that combines REA and marbling and one of our   second-high ultrasound IMF in our herd.
        highest REA-per-hundredweight in his contemporary group.  Actual weight May 1: 1085#, Height: 46”

                                                   Fullblood Bull
          62 EZ Levi 51D                         Reg: FM36853
                 BD: 6/10/16  Tatt EZ51D  Black      BW: 49
                                        EZ Lisbon 29L
                 EZ Western 40W         EZ Twinkle 16T
        EZ Luke 24Z
                                        Murrumbong LGL Bluey
                 Bar J Brook 9W2
                                        SC Brook 118M 102H
                                        Athanlee Herman R007
                 EZ Perfecto 48X
                                        Brambletye Rising Sun R153
        EZ Oneida B20B
                 PCF Oneida 2W          PCF Napoleon
                                        EZ Miss Olive 38L
        Levi is a great young fullblood who graduated at the top of his class in
        ultrasound carcass index with an exceptional IMF and excellent REA/
        CWT. Not surprizingly, his sire, Luke, is by Western and his dam is sired by
        EZ Perfecto 48X, a great son of Athanlee Herman. These two bloodlines           Lot 61
                                                                                        Lot 61
        consistently come to the top of our carcass evaluations. He is a good-
        looking, stout-made, herd sire prospect for anyone who is serious about high
        quality beef production.
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