Page 3 - Effertz EZ Ranch Aberdeen Angus Breeders Seminar & Production Sale – June 2, 2018 bulls heifers pairs embryos
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                                             Sale Information

                                     Saturday, June 2, 2018 • 1 p.m.
                                               On the ranch, Bismarck, ND
                          Sale Day Phones: 701-223-5202 • 701-471-0153 • 701-471-0152

                      OFFERING 75 LOTS OF                      HERD HEALTH:
        FULLBLOOD & MODERATOR ABERDEEN CATTLE                  Yearling heifers and cows have all been calfhood vaccinated for Bangs. The
                  Pairs – Show Heifers – Bulls – Embryos – Semen  yearling heifers have had our preweaning vaccination program of Virashield
                           Including choice of the             Plus Somnus and Ultrabac 7. The calves and yearling heifers have been
               2018 National Champion Pen of Open Moderator Heifers  vaccinated with moraxilla bovis for pinkeye. The heifers and cows have
                                                               been vaccinated with Virashield VL6. All cattle have been poured.
        For each EZ female lot purchased, the buyer will be entitled to two straws   INSURANCE:
        of semen from an Effertz EZ Ranch herd bull for use on that female. The   Livestock insurance will be available at the settlement desk for those
        certifi cate to register one calf out of the female purchased at the sale will   buyers wanting to insure their purchases. We ask any buyers who leave
        be provided to the buyer at no additional cost. For more details, refer to   their purchases at the ranch more than a day or two to insure them.
        inside back cover.
                                                                              Schedule of Eventschedule of Events
        Effertz EZ Ranch is about 16 miles north of Bismarck, ND, on Highway
        1804. From Bismarck, take Highway 83 north for 4 miles to the junction of
        Highway 1804. Stay on Highway 1804 for 12 miles as you go west then   FRIDAY, JUNE 1
        north along the Missouri River. The ranch is on the west side of the road   2:00 P.M.   CATTLE READY FOR VIEWING
        between mile markers 95 and 96.                          3:30 P.M.    BREEDERS’ SEMINAR
                                                                 We hope you can join us for an afternoon of interesting topics of particular
        VIDEO AND ONLINE UPDATES:                                interest to Aberdeen breeders, addressed by engaging experts in their fi eld.
        We will have video of most of the sale cattle on our website  It’s a great time to network with fellow cattlemen and enjoy supper. We will also update the online supplement   Please join us!
        sheet with calving and breeding dates and new photos. Check the website
        often for new information.                               Jerry Doan will speak on the Top Ten Ways to Increase Profi tability.
                                                                                 Jerry is a fourth-generation rancher from McKenzie,
        AREA MOTELS:                                                             ND. He and his wife Renae operate Black Leg
             AmericInn Lodge and Suites ......................................701-250-1000  Ranch along with their sons Jeremy, Jay, and Jayce
             3235 State St., Bismarck ND (Ask for the Effertz EZ Ranch block of rooms)  Doan. Their daughter Shanda is also is involved.
                                                                                 The ranch was homesteaded in 1882 by Jerry’s
             Super 8 North ............................................................701-751-2550  great grandfather in what was then Dakota Territory.
             1405 Skyline Way, Bismarck ND
                                                                                 He has used Aberdeen and Aberdeen Moderator
                                                                                 bulls to bring his cow size down and lower his
             Wingate by Wyndham ................................................701-751-2373  maintenance costs and increase his stocking rate. He also has increased his
             1421 Skyline Dr., Bismarck ND
                                                                 ranch’s emphasis on soil health, in part to increase the land’s productivity
                                                                 and generate more income from it. Expanded use of cover crops is one
        Rooms are still diffi cult to fi nd in Bismarck so we recommend early reservations. Let   of the tools used by the Doans. The Doans have a cow/calf operation so
        us know if you are having trouble fi nding a room.
                                                                 making the land more productive and supporting more livestock on it is a
        SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES:                                 consideration, too. They are also involved in custom-grazing, or “selling our
                                                                 grass” to other cattle producers, as Jerry puts it.
        Kris Petersen ..........................................................................701-339-0305 cell
        Dean Pike, American Aberdeen Association ...................303-810-7605 cell  They use holistic management to operate their ranch, regenerating the
        If you are unable to attend the sale and would like to discuss the sale   natural resources and allowing wildlife to fl ourish. They have made huge
        cattle, we urge you to call Dean Pike. He is an experienced cattleman and   strides in improving the soil health of their cropland and native rangeland
        fi eld representative and a valuable resource for Aberdeen breeders. He will   while improving the bottom line and quality of life for their family
        discuss the sale cattle with you and help you with your selections. You are
        also welcome to call Kris Petersen or Neil.              6:00 P.M. SUPPER & SOCIAL
        TRUCKING:                                                SATURDAY, JUNE 2
        We will assist buyers in coordinating transportation.
                                                                 10:00 A.M.  PRE-SALE HOSPITALITY
        ABSENTEE BUYERS:                                                      Have a cup of coffee, look at the sale cattle and
        Even if you intend to buy via liveauctions, we strongly recommend you call      visit with fellow cattlemen.
        someone who is at the sale to discuss the cattle prior to the sale. Dean   11:00 A.M.  SOIL HEALTH DEMONSTRATION
        Pike or Kris Petersen will be happy to assist you as will anyone in our      Jay Fuhrer, conservationist with NRCS, will present
        family. If you encounter problems during the sale with your internet feed,      a hands-on soil health demonstration.
        call us right away and we will help you bid. Feel free to call Abbey (701-471-  12 NOON   JOIN US FOR LUNCH
        1224) or Jan (701-471-0152) or call Neil’s phone (701-471-0153).
                                                                 1:00 P.M.    FOCUS ON EFFICIENCY SALE
                                                                              Following the sale be sure to stay for ranch tours
                                                                              and supper. It’s time to relax!
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