Page 23 - Reynolds Colors of Fall Production Sale – Oct. 20, 2018 Red Angus and Polled Herefords
P. 23
Sale Terms and Conditions
Sale Terms and Conditions
absolve the Seller from further liability. Any expense
incurred for transportation shall be the responsi-
bility of the Buyer. d. If a female sold as “exposed”
proves not to be in calf, the Seller only guarantees
such female to be a breeder. e. If a female sold as
“open” proves to be with calf, the Buyer may return
the animal to the farm/ranch of the Seller prior to
calving for a refund of the full purchase price or for
replacement with another animal of equal value,
whichever is acceptable to the Buyer. The return of
the full purchase price shall in any case be deemed
full satisfaction and settlement. Any expenses
incurred for transporting an animal claimed to be a
nonbreeder shall be the responsibility of the Buyer;
If the Seller proves the animal to be a breeder, it
shall be the obligation of the Buyer to take deliv-
ery of the animal and pay all expenses incurred for
transportation. All claims must be made in writing
within six months of sale date. Cattle returned
to the Seller must be in good condition and must
comply with the health requirements of the Seller’s
state, which may diff er from the state/location of
the sale.
DEFAULT: In the event the Buyer defaults on pay-
ment, the Buyer shall be responsible for all costs,
including attorney’s costs, incurred by Sale Man-
agement or Seller in connection with collecting, or
attempting to collect, payment due.
complete rules and regulations in regard to genetic
defects or parentage guarantee, contact the Red
Angus Association of America or American Here-
ford Association. In cases of a returned animal, all
expenses related to returning the animal to the
Seller will be incurred by the Buyer, and the animal
being returned must be in good condition and meet
health requirements of the Seller’s state.
EPDs: Expected Progeny Diff erence data was up-
dated as of the release of new data from the Red
Angus Association of America on 9/6/18. EPD’s are
dynamic and likely to change over time.
RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS: These terms and con-
ditions of sale constitute a contract between the
Buyer and Seller of each animal and shall be equal-
ly binding on both. Any subsequent sale or resale of
an animal constitutes a separate transaction.
RETAINED INTEREST: No interest is being retained
by the Seller of any animal. The Buyer is purchasing
100% interest of all animals in the sale.
PERSONAL INJURY: All persons who attend the sale
do so at their own risk. Reynolds Farm Beef Cattle
and its employees, UTM Smith Livestock Center and
its employees, and all other persons connected with
the sale assume no liability, legal or otherwise,
for any accidents, incidents or injuries which may