Page 3 - D Red Select Sale – Dec. 8, 2018 North Dakota Red Angus Female Sale.
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North Dakota Red Angus Ass ociation Red Select Sale
Saturday, December 8, 2018
12 p.m. CST • Kist Livestock Auction • Mandan, ND
Kist Livestock Auction Co. .......................................Mandan, N.D. Best Western Ramkota Hotel ..................................701-258-7700
1715 40th Ave SE • PO Box 1313 • Mandan, ND 58554 (On the Strip) 800 South 3rd St., Bismarck, ND 58504
800-732-1163 or 701-663-9573 A block of rooms is reserved under “North Dakota Red Angus” for
Sale Day Phones: $99/night + tax until Dec. 3, 2018.
Kist Livestock Auction Co. ......................................701-663-9573 ANNUAL MEETING & BANQUET
Jeff Thomas ......................................................... 406-581-8859 Friday, Dec. 7
Jodi Schriefer .........................................................701-870-2790 Best Western Ramkota Hotel
Scott Kueffl er .........................................................701-694-3620 800 South 3rd St., Bismarck, ND 58504
SALE MANAGEMENT Annual Meeting ...........................................................2 p.m. CST
Thomas Livestock Services, Jeff Thomas ..............406-581-8859 Social ...........................................................................5 p.m.CST
Banquet .......................................................................6 p.m. CST
AUCTIONEER Banquet reservations can be made by Dec. 1 to
Seth Weishaar, Belle Fourche, SD ...................Cell: 605-210-1124 Emmy Huber: 701-685-2687 or
Adults: $20.00 • Kids: $8.00
Kirby Goettsch, Farm and Ranch Guide ..................605-380-3939 SALE SPONSOR
Kris Peterson, Special Assignment .........................701-339-0305 North Dakota Red Angus Association Offi cers
Scott Ressler, ND Stockmen’s Association. ............701-391-7310 President: Jodi Schriefer ........................................701-870-2790
Todd Finke, Special Assignment .............................701-240-7711 Vice President: Scott Kueffl er .................................701-694-3620
Secretary-Treasurer: Emmy Huber .........................701-320-1995
NATIONAL REPRESENTATION Past President: Bryan Huber ..................................701-320-8054
Ryan Boldt, Red Angus Assn. of America ...............940-387-3502 Ron Clemetson .......................................................701-739-0639
Steve Koester, RAAA Area 5 National Director ........701-400-1611
Doug McGee ...........................................................701-523-3635
ONLINE BIDDING Karissa Daws ..........................................................701-270-1524
The sale will be broad- Sam Twedt ..............................................................701-388-4035
cast live on See Page 2 for complete details on DONATION HEIFER
registering before the sale.
Raffl e tickets will be sold at the annual meeting up until the
CATALOG & PROMOTION start of the Red Select Sale when the auctioneer will auction off
Cow Camp Promotions, Tracey Koester .................701-475-2736 chances. The winner will be drawn at the conclusion of the sale.
Health certifi cates will be furnished on each animal sold. The NDRAA will be holding its annual photo contest to be judged
by ballot during the Red Angus weekend events. Photos (8x10
TRUCKING or 8x12) may be submitted prior to the banquet on Dec. 8, or
Transportation is the responsibility of the buyer, however sale mailed by Dec. 1, 2018, to Emmy Huber, 5866 76th Ave SE, Jud,
management and consignors will help to arrange trucking to ND 58454. Photos must contain at least one registered Red An-
ensure safe transportation of your purchases. gus animal. The winner will receive a free membership for 2019.
All lots sell according to the standard Terms and Conditions of The NDRAA will be collecting annual dues of $50 during the
the Red Angus Association of America. weekend. The 2019 membership deadline is Dec. 31, 2018. NDRAA members are also able to participate in the NDRAA Pro-
SALE DAY LUNCH Rated Advertising. Details available at the meeting.
Complimentary lunch will be available on sale day. ND STATE FAIR HEIFER FUTURITY CLASS
A futurity class has been added to the North Dakota State Fair
For customers purchasing on DVAuction, over the phone or for NDJRAA members who purchase a heifer in the North Dakota
by proxy, NDRAA and Kist Livestock require funds be wired Red Select Sale.
to Kist Livestock by Monday, Dec. 10, following the sale. First Place – $600; Second Place – $500
Please contact Kist Livestock for wiring instructions. All other participants – $50
Catalog online at North Dakota Red Select Sale – 1