Page 7 - Big Sky Elite Female Sale – Dec. 5, 2018 - Registered Red Angus
P. 7

Elite Opportunity
                                                                                     Elite Opportunity

                                                                              GMRA LAKOTA 540
                                                                    3         Birth Date:      Reg. #        Category:
                                                                              1/19/15         3467063       100% 1A
                                                                      LJC MISSION STATEMENT P27  LJC LANCER 806
                                                               GMRA STETSON 2240               | LJC HANNAH 106
                                                                      GMRA VENICE 359           BASIN HOBO 79E
                                                                                               | GMRA VENICE 146
                                                                      GMRA PEACEMAKER 1216      FRITZ JUSTICE 8013
                                                               GMRA LAKOTA 351                 | GMRA THELMA 930
                                                                      GMRA LAKOTA 129           HXC CONQUEST 4405P
                                                                                               | GMRA LAKOTA 173
                                                                 HB  GM CED  BW WW YW  ADG  DMI   M  ME HPG CEM  ST  MARB  YG  CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 181  52  15  -1.8  72 118  0.29 1.28 29  2  12  7  15 0.55 0.17  32 0.11 0.05
                                                               Bred to: FEDDES BRUNSWICK D202 (#3539689)   Due Date: 4/9/19
                                                                    OR BROWN-CH INDEPENDENCE D5670
                   Lot 3                                       Here’s a top-notch Stetson x Peacemaker combination that will go into your herd ready to perform.
                                                               She is the proud owner of the #14 MPPA in the GMRA herd at 105.7, with an average WR of 110.
                                                               Her fi rst calf was GMRA Crimson 7208 featured as Lot 2 in our 2018 bull sale. This year’s calf will
                                                               be going into the bull sale pen with the #2 WR of 108 bulls. There are generations of performance
          GMRA Crimson 7208, son                               backing up this Lakota dam with all MPPAs over 102 going back four generations to the dam of
                                                               GMRA Vermillion 796. The EPD profi le is strong with 10 in the top 25% or higher and fi ve of those
          Lot 2 in our 2018 bull sale                          at 4% or higher with an emphasis on growth and carcass. There is a phenotype to match the power,
                                                               with a nice level udder, tons of depth and capacity and a smooth-shouldered, feminine front. GMRA
                                                               will pay for parentage testing.

                                                                              DKK STARLETTE 320
                                                                    4         Birth Date:      Reg. #        Category:
                                                                              1/27/13         1604715       100% 1A

                                                                      BECKTON JULIAN GG B571    BKT JULIAN 7526 G
                                                               HXC CONQUEST 4405P              | BKT MARTA 9A13 JL
                                                                      HXC ELLIE MAY MA638       BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912
                                                                                               | HXC  529E
                                                                      C-T BIG CHIEF 0934        FEDDES BIG SKY R9
                                                               DKK STARLETTE 145               | C-T MISCHIEF 0765
                                                                      DKK STARLETTE 9047        MESSMER PACKER S008
                                                                                               | DKK STARLETTE K28
                                                                 HB  GM CED  BW WW YW  ADG  DMI   M  ME HPG CEM  ST  MARB  YG  CW  REA   FAT
                                                                 208  51  12  -0.8  70 112  0.26 0.99 26  5  12  8  19 0.35 0.06  12 0.12 0.04
                                                               Bred to: LOOSLI MANHATTAN 463 (#1714294)      Due Date: 4/28/19
                                                               Just like cream, the “Starlette” cow line rises to the top again. Top 8% of the breed for BOTH HB
                                                               and GM, top 4% WW and YW, top 7% ADG and top 18% REA. This deep cherry-red gal defi nes
                                Lot 4                          beauty with her easy-fl eshing, high-performing, big-ribbed phenotype. Additionally, she has
                                                               excellent feet and a picture-perfect udder. A dominant female from day one – she brings home an
                                                               excellent calf every year!

        Catalog online at • Video online at                 Big Sky Elite Female Sale – 5
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