Page 2 - Milk Creek Reds Female Sale – Nov. 6, 2020 - Red Angus Female Sale
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Welcome to our 2020 female sale!
This is a sale that we host every three years and so we thank you for taking the time to review the information that we have
compiled within this catalog and for having interest in our program. We hope that what you fi nd within these pages is helpful
for you to get an understanding of our program that has developed the genetics that are being offered.
Within this sale, we are offering all of our 2009, 2010 and 2011 females that remain after our environment and management
has put them through a rigorous test, along with 25 bred heifers and heifer calves that have been selected through criteria
explained later. We are also offering a nice selection of commercial females that we and our customers have raised that will
become a nice set of Red Angus cows to work in your commercial herd. For anyone who might be interested in frozen genet-
ics we will be selling some embryos out of some of our top cows as well as some rare semen that we have used over the
During our selection process of females in other sales, we discover the challenges of fi nding breds and opens that fi t our cri-
teria that we use to select females to be considered in this sale. If you are a purebred breeder take the time and look at your
replacement bred heifers and heifer calves and see how many have dams and grand dams with a MPPA of 100 or better as
well as their own weaning index of 100 or better. Following that make sure that you have representation of the different sires
that you have used in each group. All of the females have 2 out of the 3 criteria and several have all 3 criteria above 100. We
hope that through this criteria we have selected females that will have the productivity and longevity to be profi table for their
new owners.
Our program would not be considered typical to most people when it comes to the management that we use within our
operation. We are striving to build a cowherd that will best function within the environment that the ranch is placed in with
the least amount of inputs from outside sources to hopefully produce profi tability now and for the future. Some manage-
ment tools used in this process include running our replacement heifer calves in large pastures after fence line weaning
without any grain supplement. If we run out of grass or it snows under to where they can’t dig it out we will supplement
some grass/alfalfa hay until green grass appears. Another tool is turning large groups of females (55-107) into single sire
breeding groups to force the male side of the equation to be tested. This will cause some breeding failure at times but also
will develop bulls to work harder and become better breeders.
We look forward to visiting with those of you who would like to learn more of what we do and why we do the things we do.
If you have any questions or are in need of additional information on the animals offered within these pages, feel free to
contact us.
May God Bless You, As servants of the Lord, we are striving
Bruce, Tena, Jaclyn Ketchum and Jeff, Cele, Blaze Menees to be stewards of the land and cattle
that He created and allowed us to
manage so that we may glorify Him.
Catalog and video online at