Page 4 - Big Sky Elite Registered and Commercial Bred Red Angus Female Sale – Dec. 2, 2020
P. 4

          Bred F
          Bred Females
                                                                 Welcome to the Big Sky Elite Female Sale!
                                       Tom, Jim,                 If the year 2020 has taught us anything, it is that there are many things out of
                                        Julie and                our control.  From unprecedented hurricanes, fi res, an election year, and most
                                        Bob Morton               notably a health pandemic, I think most of us wonder what is next!

                                                                 As cattlemen and women there is one thing we can control… our decision-
                                                                 making ability to select cows for our own program.  With profi t margins
                                                                 pinched tight, quality animals will always sell for above average prices. Now,
                                                                 more than ever, it is important to invest in the type of cattle that will increase
                                                                 your profi tability. Do not produce commodity cattle, produce premium cattle!
                                                                 The Red Angus breed certainly should be your fi rst choice in selecting premium
                                                                 cattle.  Docile females that fl esh easily and have an uncanny ability to raise
                                                                 calves because of their mothering and milking ability has made Red Angus fe-
                                                                 males the #1 choice in North America for the mother cow!  Your second choice
                                                                 should bring you to the Big Sky Elite offering of cattle.  Maybe more important
                        Cayl, Trac,                              than the cattle themselves are the people that stand behind them.  The four
                     Taryn, Craig &                              Red Angus breeders that bring this sale together have proven to be leaders in
                      Traig DeBoer                               the industry with both their cattle and their service to the national Red Angus
                                                                 Association of America.  All have been state or national directors and offi cers,
                                                                 including one that has served as past president of the RAAA.

             Paul, Kara &  &                                     As you study this catalog, it will become apparent that these pages contain elite
                                                                 Red Angus genetics that have the ability to raise your profi t line.  Generations
            Kallie Herbst;
            Renee, Brad,                                         of A.I. and E.T. animals in their pedigree, along with superior EPDs, offer you
                                                                 genetic lead-time that you will not fi nd in any other sale or program.  In short,
           Cole & Brielle
                                                                 this is a Red Angus auction you do not want to miss in 2020!
            Dave & Kay                                           I will be in Three Forks viewing cattle beginning the afternoon of November
              Klompien                                           30th through sale time.  If you have any questions or would like me to assist
                                                                 you in selection of cattle, don’t hesitate to give me a call.  Year after year, this
                                                                 is an incredible offering of Red Angus genetics that will move your program
                                                                 toward more profi tability.
                                                                 As I write this letter, we are just getting into our fall auction season.  In my fi rst
                                                                 two auctions, excitement for Red Angus cattle and prices have been exception-
                                                    Chuck        al.  Experts across the country believe that 2021 will show very strong demand
                                                    and Carol    and support for high quality beef and most are suggesting positioning your
                                                    Feddes       program for this surge of demand and profi table margins. Don’t sit back and be
                                                    Family       left out… it is time for action in buying some of the best Red Angus genetics
                                                                 available in the beef industry.
                                                                 I look forward to seeing you at the auction.
                                                                 I look forward to seeing you at the auction.
                                                                 Best Regards,
                                                                 Best Regards,
                                                                 Kyle Gilchrist t

            Get off 1-90 at the Logan Exit, #283. Go north and take a left on the frontage road. Proceed west toward Three Forks, about 1/2 mile. Take a right
            onto Logan Trident Road, heading north. The road immediately crosses the Gallatin River and the railroad tracks, as shown on the map. Green
            Mountain Red Angus is 2 miles from the railroad tracks. Watch for the large Green Mountain Red Angus sign.

          2 – Big Sky Elite Female Sale                       Catalog online at • Video online at
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