Page 2 - Deckert Sim-Red Angus Annual Production Sale – Feb. 23, 2021 Bulls and Bred Heifers
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We are super excited to welcome everyone to our 2021 Production sale. As
                many of you know this isn’t our fi rst production sale, and we are blessed by
                the opportunity to bring you quality cattle from DSR.

                The history of our herd really started back in 1969 when my dad started
                AI’ing. He quickly realized that the Simmentals excelled in increasing his
                weaning weights and improved milk production. Shortly after that time, we
                started to market the bulls that were herd improvers along with select fe-
                males. Through that experience we saw how crossbreeding could enhance
                everyone’s herd.

                AI’ing has always been an important season for us. We have been selecting
                top genetics to incorporate into our cowherd year after year; having to gauge
                the needs of the beef industry has always been at the forefront of our deci-
                sions. There have been so many adjustments to fi t the industry’s needs. We have tried to make cattle that fi t the
                market. Our ranch has successfully produced many champion animals through the years. From feed-gain tests
                and local and national show winners that go back to the DSR genetics.

                In 2009 we had the brief thoughts of just doing a commercial herd, our family was growing up and the kids
                would be heading to college. We bred a number of our females to Red Angus. The Simmental-Red Angus com-
                plemented each other so well. We saw the calving ease and calf vigor improve without losing any growth. We
                were amazed at the consistency of the calves. With these genetics, customers realized the value of hybrid bulls.
                Our goal at DSR has always been to raise cattle that make your ranch a profi t.

                The bulls and heifers in our offering have the potential to bring all of this to your herd! You won’t fi nd pedigrees
                like this anywhere, as we have been specializing in our combination of genetic lines and the outcross will add to
                your profi tability.

                All our cattle are on a strict mineral program year round to keep them healthy and at optimal performance.
                The bulls have been fed a balanced, high-fi ber diet to keep them sound. We will keep them until May 1, semen
                test them and deliver them up to 150 miles. We will have
                someone to load out heifers at the ranch on sale day, or set
                up a time to pick them up as soon as possible. The heifers
                are close to calving.

                We look forward to visiting with you at the ranch and
                showing you this year’s sale offering!

                Justin and Carrie

                                                                                                                    PC: Two Pines Photography
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