Page 16 - Gustin's Diamond D Gelbvieh Bull and Bred Heifer Sale – Feb. 18, 2021
P. 16


                                                                   26        DDGR DIGNIFIED 274H
                                                                             Homo Black • Purebred 88% • Homo Polled • Bull
                                                                 BD: 3/15/20  BW: 86   Adj. WW: 691   Reg:   1475698
                                                                                            JOB DANELL TD CHICO LOCO 28Y
                                                                JOB DANELL CHOCO 53B
                                                                                            JOB DANELL TWINKLES 21X
                                                                                            VRT LAZY TV SAM U451
                                                                DDGR 51C
                                                                                            DDGR 116A
                                                                 CED  BW  WW  YW  M   TM  CEM  YG   CW  REA  MB   FT   FPI
                                                                 15  -1.7  70  102 16  51  10 -0.16  32 0.71 0.56 -0.01  86.87
                                                                This bull’s side profi le is hard to miss. He’s super attractive, deep bodied and combines
                                                                that eye appeal with an impressive EPD profi le. He’s a low birthweight bull with impres-
                                                      Lot 2626  sive growth numbers and a marbling EPD that places him in the top 1% of the breed.

            27        DDGR TOP SHELF 279H                          28        DDGR BELTRAMI 61H
                      Homo Black • Purebred 94% • Homo Polled • Bull         Red • Purebred 88% • Homo Polled • Bull
          BD: 3/16/20  BW: 68  Adj. WW: 652    Reg:   1475702    BD: 3/16/20  BW: 90   Adj. WW: 704   Reg:   1475703
                                    JOB DANELL TD CHICO LOCO 28Y                           RWG RIGHT COMBINATION 5506
        JOB DANELL CHOCO 53B                                   RWG EXACT COMBINATION 7409
                                    JOB DANELL TWINKLES 21X                                RWG HADIE 3505
                                    HYEK BLACK IMPACT 3960N                                KKC NOBILITY 123Y
        DDGR QUEEN OF SPADES 77X                               DDGR 420B
                                    DDGR MOONBEAM 94J                                      DDGR REESE 256W
         CED  BW  WW  YW  M   TM  CEM  YG   CW  REA  MB   FT   FPI   CED  BW  WW  YW  M   TM  CEM  YG   CW  REA  MB   FT   FPI
         18  -2.7  56  69  20  48  11 -0.25  24 0.73 0.17 -0.03  70.82   12   2.2  82  127  26  68   6  -0.17  38  0.75  0.09  -0.02  78.55
        This bull is calving ease deluxe, with his calving ease and birthweight EPDs placing him   The Nobility daughters have been great mama cows. The 420B dam has put all her bull
        in the top 5% of the breed. The Choco calves are unique as they pack a lot of perfor-  calves in the sale including a top At Ease son that sold to the Eslinger brothers in Elgin.
        mance into a calving ease package. His mother is a Black Impact daughter and is one of   She has been a Dam of Merit for the past three years and with the consistency of the
        the most attractive cows in the herd and has a weaning ratio of 101.  Exact Combination calves, we have high expectations for this bull.

            29        DDGR VEGAS 413H                              30        DDGR MAVERICK 282H
                      Homo Black • Purebred 94% • Homo Polled • Bull         Hetero Black • Purebred 94% • Homo Polled • Bull
          BD: 3/17/20  BW: 61   Adj. WW: 680   Reg:   1475747    BD: 3/17/20  BW: 97   Adj. WW: 703   Reg:   1476487
                                    FHG FLYING H MR TRACTION 45B                           VRT LAZY TV SAM U451
        FHG FLYING H GRAND SLAM 128D ET                        BNC AT EASE A357
                                    FHG FLYING H MS MHD 139Y                               BNC MISS HOJER Y045
                                    THUL B401                                              MSH MY SEASON  ET
        DDGR 383F                                              DDGR EMMA 54X
                                    DDGR 2A                                                DDGR NELLY 174S
         CED  BW  WW  YW  M   TM  CEM  YG   CW  REA  MB   FT   FPI   CED  BW  WW  YW  M   TM  CEM  YG   CW  REA  MB   FT   FPI
          16  -2.4  55  81  22  50  8  -0.22  39 0.92 0.16 -0.02  69.84  9  1.3  64  94  34  66  6  -0.24  33 0.82 0.25 -0.03  72.78
        413H is a Grand Slam son that is moderate framed and gets his stylish profi le from his   This larger framed calf is stretchy and long and should add some performance to your
        sire. He is a bull that would be suitable for heifers as he ranks in the top 10% of the   calves. His milk EPD is in the top 1% of the breed. His mother is a Dam of Distinction
        breed for Calving ease and Birthweight epds. His fi rst calf mother did a really nice job for   with a weaning ratio of 105.
        us in the fi rst year.

                                                                   31        DDGR RED POWER 68H
                                                                             Red • Purebred 94% • Homo Polled • Bull
                                                                 BD: 3/17/20  BW: 78   Adj. WW: 660   Reg:   1475709
                                                                                           RWG RIGHT COMBINATION 5506
                                                               RWG EXACT COMBINATION 7409
                                                                                           RWG HADIE 3505
                                                                                           KKC NOBILITY 123Y
                                                               DDGR 390E
                                                                                           DDGR 150B
                                                                CED  BW  WW  YW  M   TM  CEM  YG   CW  REA  MB   FT   FPI
                                                                14  -2.4  63  87  25  56  6  -0.21  14 0.51 0.18 -0.03  74.49
                                                               This moderate birthweight Exact Combination son has great calving ease EPDs and has
                                                               the eye appeal of his sire. His dam had a BW ratio of 86 on her fi rst two calves and we
                                                               feel the Nobility dam is an asset in his pedigree. Get the genetics of the Exact Combina-
                                                               tion in a calving ease bull.
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