Page 44 - Flittie Simmental, Schnabel Simmental & Lazy J Bar Ranch – Feb. 20, 2021 Simmental & Red Angus Bulls
P. 44

Red Angus Bulls

                                                                         LAZYJ PROFITBUILDE 0188-8121
                                                                 330     BD:  5/1/20  Reg: 4268627  Cat: 100% 1A

                                                                         BW:   78  205-Day Wt.: 744
                                                                              H2R PROFITBUILDER B403  [  LSF TAKEOVER 9943W
                                                                          LRA PROFIT BUILDER 751   BROWN MS P707 Y6674
                                                                              LRA MS WELLINGTON 0116  [  LRA WELLINGTON 893
                                                                                                   LRA MS DREAM VACATION 880
                                                                              LAZYJ KODIAK 5217 ET  [  BLACK BRYLOR KODIAK 204Y
                                                                ProS   HB   GM  LAZYJ FERNEY 8121-5210  5L SEOLA 1343-1676
                                                                123  83  41   LAZYJ CECILIA 5211-421  [  LSF RAB PERFORMANCE 2772Z
                                                                36%  36%   46%                     LUVAAS MS FIRELIGHT 421-115
                                                                 CED BW   WW   YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW REA   FAT
                                                                 11  -1.4  72  115  0.27  1.42  25 3  14 6  14  0.42  0.19  27 -0.02  0.04
                                                                 65% 58%   9%   12% 20%   52% 52%  68%  7%  62%  61%   43%   98% 26% 78% 96%
                                                    Lot  330   We generally don’t keep May born bull calves for our sale but when they are
                                                               this good it is pretty hard to steer them. Come take a look for yourself, study
                                                               the numbers. You will like him. Excellent cow family. Good feet and udders
                                                               behind this guy on the maternal side.

                                                                         LAZYJ DEFENSE 0135-976
                                                                 331     BD:  3/25/20  Reg: 4268391  Cat: 100% 1A
                                                                         BW:   84  205-Day Wt.: 606

                                                                              5L DEFENDER 560-30Z  [  5L ADVOCATE 817-14W
                                                                          RRA DEFENDER 826        5L BLACK ADINA 525-560
                                                                              RRA RACHEL 746 144  [  RRA MULBERRY 26P 922
                                                                                                  RRA RACHEL 246 746
                                                                              COLEY’S MOJITO 503R  [  PERKS ADVANCE 121R
                                                                ProS   HB   GM  LAZYJ MISS WANETTE 976-122  NER COPPER QUEEN 2657
                                                                143  76  67   JDRA MS SOFFI 122  [  SHHM CHIEF JOSEPH 28J
                                                                11%  53%   6%                     JDRA MS ONWARD 804
                                                                 CED BW   WW   YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW REA   FAT
                                                                 12  -1.8  62  111  0.31 1.89  25  2  8  5  18  0.44 0.10  38  0.24  0.02
                                                                54% 49%  41%  17%  4%  91% 50% 57% 90% 88% 18%  39%  77%  5%  19% 71%
                                                               The natural calf out of one of our 12 year old donor cows. She was home all
                                                               summer being fl ushed so the calf was not out on hard grass and his WW
                                                               refl ects that. He has the potential to sire those heavy calves and if we think
                                                               enough of a 12 yr old cow to fl ush her, well then you shouldn’t hesitate.  Top Dollar
                                                               Qualifi ed!

                                                                         LAZYJ AMMEMDMENT 0165-252
                                                                 332     BD:  4/8/20  Reg: 4268423  Cat: 100% 1A

                                                                         BW:   83  205-Day Wt.: 729
                                                                              PIE ONE OF A KIND 352  [  BUF CRK THE RIGHT KIND U199
                                                                          RRA AMENDMENT 626        PIE FAYETTE 1160
                                                                              RRA MILLIE N512 406  [  RRA MULBERRY 26P 922
                                                                                                   DFRA TARMILY N512
                                                                              LAZYJ HIGH VOLTAGE 003-3002  [  MAJESTIC LIGHTNING 717 SGMR
                                                                 ProS   HB   GM  LAZYJ MONIQUE 252-018  1SL MS CHATEAU LADY 3002-101
                                                                 122  102  20  1SL MONIQUE 018   [  BIEBER THUNDER 5577
                                                                 38%  6%   87%                     1SL MINNIE MOUSE 479
                                                                 CED BW   WW   YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW REA   FAT
                                                                 13  -1.3  51   84  0.20  1.48  31 6  15 9  19  0.21  0.08  16  0.00  0.02
                                                                 49% 59%   78%   73% 64%   58%  7%  87%  6%  15%  10%   91%   61% 68% 72% 56%
                                                    Lot  332    John’s notes..this bull has really caught my eye lately. If you need to add milk and
                                                                build a cow herd he will do it. Good old foundation cow line in this one. Steph’s
                                                      ’s gonna get wordy, haha!  You know how a number sticks in your mind? ?
          Well this calf didn’t just catch my eye lately, he has caught my eye since early summer. His tattoo number is also the number of a 11 year old cow we have so each time I
          saw this calf and said wow, who is that and saw the number I would think of the old cow and not this guy’s dam but now that I pay attention to who his dam is, well it is no
          surpise I liked him all year. He goes back to my most complete, well footed, good uddered females I started the breed with in the late 1980’s!
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