Page 6 - Hunts' H+ Registered Brangus Bull & Female Sale – Feb. 27, 2021
P. 6

2021 Professional Cattlemen’
                   2021 Professional Cattlemen’s Bull & Female Sale – Cattle with Something EXTRA!s Bull & Female Sale – Cattle with Something EXTRA!
        GENOMIC-ENHANCED EPDS,                                 WELCOME FROM DR. KENCADE SUMNER
        SIRE PARENTAGE VERIFIED,                                    It has been my pleasure getting to know the Hunt family over the
        SUPERIOR HEALTH                                             last year. You absolutely will not meet a nicer group of people
                                                                    to work with. They are passionate cattlemen who are committed
             We and our cooperators take very seriously our commit-  to ensuring that their Brangus herd are pushing the boundaries
             ment to provide you with a healthy animal and to mini-  of the breeds genetic capabilities. This farm has a proven track
             mize the risk of introducing disease into your cow herd.   record that does not disappoint.
             We have provided genomic-enhanced EPDs, tested for
             and disclosed any possible genetic conditions, and veri-  Each animal’s welfare is important and no stone is left overturned
             fi ed the parentage of the animals we offer to you. You   when it comes to caring for their herd. Hunt’s Brangus strives to
             have the highest possible confi dence in the information   maximize health and production by reducing the overall incidence
             we supply.                                             of disease through stringent biosecurity and vaccine/deworming
             The State of Georgia is a Brucellosis-free and Tuber-
             culosis-free state. All bulls and heifers have been “ear-  Each bull that is for sale today has passed a breeding soundness
             notched” and guaranteed to be Negative for PI-BVD by   examination along with testing negative for Tritrichomonas foe-
             IDEXX Antigen Capture Elisa (ACE). We have genomi-     tus (Trich) and Johne’s disease. I will be available throughout the
             cally enhanced the EPD’s on every animal available in   day to answer any specifi c questions that you may have about
             the sale. The catalog provides all information we have   aspects of the breeding soundness exam. Certifi cates of Veteri-
                                                                    nary Inspection (Health Papers) will also be provided for interstate
             regarding their status as carriers or possible carriers   transport.
             for any known genetic condition in the Brangus breed.
             All bulls have passed a stringent Breeding Soundness   It is a privilege and pleasure to assist Hunt’s Brangus in their cattle
             Exam by our herd veterinarian and test negative for    endeavors.
             Health Papers (Certifi cate of Veterinary Inspection)   Sincerely,
             will be provided at no charge to buyers in order to al-  Kencade Sumner, DVM
             low shipment to Anywhere, USA.                         Villanow Animal Clinic
                                                                    3148 Hwy 201
                                                                    LaFayette, GA 30728

                                                                                    The Boss
        4 – Hunt’s Brangus     AVG  CED  BW WW YW  Milk  TM  CEM  SC  REA %IMF  FAT  HPG  ST  MCW   TI   FI
                               EPDs  5.0 0.9  25 46  9  21  3.6 0.48 0.34 0.06 -0.040 1.60 0.91 -2.69 2.1 0.6
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11