Page 33 - TNT Simmental Annual Bull Sale – Feb. 12, 2021 - Black Sim - Red Sim - Red Angus
P. 33

LOT 91              H552 - Homo Polled - Solid Red - 5/8 Sim 3/8 AR - ASA# 3788335
                          Ǥ  Ǥ    ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ           Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ       Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ     ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ      Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            Ͳ͵Ȁ͵ͲȀʹͲ      ͻͶ         ͹ͺͷ        ͳͲͺ        ͶǤ͸ʹ        ͵Ǥ͹ͻ       ͳͷʹͶ        ͳͳͷͷ         ͵ͺ
           SIRE: TNT IGNITE D370                                                                        ‹Ž
           DAM: ES E127 - CDI AUTHORITY 77X - EIR T212 - GLACIER                ͻʹǤͷ  ͳͶͻǤͳ  ͲǤ͵ͷ       ͵ͲǤͻ  ͹͹Ǥͳ

           CHATEAU 744 - EIR P211 - RED PIE ATLANTIC 2204           ͳͷǤͻ  ͳʹǤͶ  Ͷ͸ǤͶ  ͲǤʹͺ ǦͲǤͲͶʹ  ͲǤͷͳ  ͳʹͷǤͻ  ͺ͵Ǥͷ
           This is a thick and powerful made, high performance bull that ratioed 108 for WW and was our 4th high for gain, with EPD’s in the top 2% for MWW, 3% for
           YW, 4% for WW and milk, 15% for CW and 25% for TI. His sire continues to excel in adding pounds, and we are extremely impressed with his daughters as
           well. Ignite is a Whisky River son out of a ASR Substance X009 dam that has a 107 WW and 109 YW ratio and is now a donor dam for Daren Rafferty. The
           dam to Lot 91 is a docile, stylish Authority daughter that we purchased from Eichacher Simmentals and we are sure glad we did, with her Major Move son last
           year selling to Jim Philips. This mating should and pounds and sire outstanding females as well. Owned by Erbeles.
           LOT 92              H426 - Homo Polled - Solid Red - 5/8 Sim 3/8 AR - ASA# 3794563
                          Ǥ  Ǥ    ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ           Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ       Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ     ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ      Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            ͲͶȀͲ͹ȀʹͲ      ͻͶ         ͹ͲͲ        ͻͷ         ͵Ǥͺͳ        ͵Ǥ͵ͷ       ͳ͵ͳͲ        ͳͲͲͷ         ͵Ͷ
           SIRE: TNT DEFENDER F405                                                                      ‹Ž
           DAM: TNT B35 - TNT BOOTLEGGER Z268 - TNT Y103 -BECKTON                     ͳͲͳ   ͲǤʹ͵             ͷ͹Ǥͷ

           HUSTLER S426 C2 - TNT T154 - TNT GUNNER N208             ͳͳǤ͵  ͳͳǤͳ  ͳʹǤͷ  ͲǤʹʹ ǦͲǤͲʹͳ ǦͲǤͲͳ  ͳͳʹǤͺ  ͸ͺǤʹ
           This is a very stylish made, thick, deep bodied bull that is a ¾ brother to Lots 83 and 84 and you can really tell. They are like 3 peas in a pod,
           showing the predictability and consistency of the Defender x Bootlegger cross. His sire was our high seller in 2019 going to Hanging H Ranch,
           and his dam is a very easy keeping, perfect uddered Bootlegger, whose daughters are exceptional and her dam and granddam have been top
           producers. A very nice cow family.
           LOT 93              H434 - Homo Polled - Solid Red - 5/8 SM 3/8 AR - ASA# 3794571
                          Ǥ  Ǥ    ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ           Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ       Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ     ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ      Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            ͲͶȀͳ͹ȀʹͲ      ͺͺ         ͹͸Ͳ        ͳͲ͵        ͶǤͲͶ        ͵Ǥ͸ͳ       ͳͶͲ͹        ͳͲ͵ͷ         ͵͸
           SIRE: TNT DEFENDER F405                                                                      ‹Ž
           DAM: TNT D231 - TNT TANNERITE B369 - TNTS S102 - LELAND                   ͳͲʹǤͻ  ͲǤʹ͵             ͸ͶǤͻ

           VACATION 4021 - TNTS P106 - LMN PROOF POSITIVE 1305E     ͳ͸Ǥͻ  ͳͷǤ͵  ʹ͹ǤͶ  ͲǤͳͷ ǦͲǤͲͶ͸  ͲǤͷ͸  ͳͳͻǤ͸  ͸ͻǤʹ
           Here is a dark red, very attractive made bull and we couldn’t be happier with our Defender calves, just a very constant sire group. His dam is a
           beautiful daughter of the very high maternal sire, TNT Tannerite. She ranks in the top 1% for milk and has a WW ratio of 106 on her 1st 3
           calves and she goes back to our exceptional M14 Red Angus donor cow. Here is a very nice, well rounded mating excelling in maternal traits
           while adding growth.
                                  RED 1/2 SIMMENTAL 1/2 RED ANGUS BULLS
           LOT 94          H541 - Homo Polled - Solid Red - 1/2 SM 1/4 AR 1/4 AN- ASA# 3788325
                          Ǥ  Ǥ    ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ           Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ       Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ     ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ      Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            Ͳ͵ȀͳͻȀʹͲ      ͺͶ         ͹͵͸        ͳͲʹ        ͵Ǥ͹ͳ        ͵Ǥ͵ͷ       ͳ͵ʹͻ        ͳͲ͸Ͳ        ͵ͷǤͷ
           SIRE: IR IMPERIAL D948                                                                       ‹Ž
           DAM: TNT E565 - TNT DEFIANT C237 - TNTS C424 - RUST                  ͸ͻǤͻ  ͳͳͳǤͷ  ͲǤʹ͸       ʹͶǤ͹  ͷͻǤ͸

           RECOIL 46A - TNTS Z26 - MUSHRUSH IMPRESSIVE CA U236       ͳͺ    ͳ͹   ͳͷǤʹ  ͲǤ͸ʹ ǦͲǤͲ͵Ͷ  ͲǤͶ  ͳͷͻǤʹ  ͺ͸Ǥͳ
           Here is a dark cherry red, thick and stylish CE bull that has a great set of EPD’s like his great sire, IR Imperial, with top 4% Doc, 10% BW, MB, API, 15% Stay, 20%
           TI, 30% CE and 35% milk, while having a 93 BW and 102 WW ratio. His sire is that triple threat type of bull, with exceptional EPD’s, great phenotype and outcross
           pedigree, that has been extremely easy calving on our 1st calf heifers, and his replacements have the docility and fleshing ability we like to see. Lot 94’s dam is sired by
           TNT Defiant, an extreme calving ease bull, sired by Connealy Capitalist. Her dam is a PB AR, with a 106 WW and 108 YW ratio and her dam has a 105 WW ratio as
           well. Owned by Erbeles.
           LOT 95              H424 - Homo Polled - Solid Red - 1/2 SM 1/2 AR - ASA# 3794561
                          Ǥ  Ǥ    ʹͲͷ    Ǥ   ʹͲͷ           Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ       Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ     ͵͸ͷ    Ǥ      Ǥ ͳǦͶ
            ͲͶȀͲ͸ȀʹͲ      ͺͺ         ͹ͺʹ        ͳͲ͸        ͵Ǥ͹ͺ        ͵Ǥ͵͸       ͳ͵ͺ͹        ͳͲͲͷ         ͵͸
           SIRE: IR IMPERIAL D948                                                                       ‹Ž
           DAM: TNT F225 - LMG GILLS INDEED 4736 - TNT Z129 -                        ͳʹ͸Ǥͻ  ͲǤ͵        ʹ͵Ǥʹ  ͸ʹǤ͸

           MESSMER PACKER S008 - NSFM M14 - BUF CRK DYNAMICS         ͳͺ   ͳ͹Ǥͳ  ͵͹Ǥ͸  ͲǤͶͶ ǦͲǤͲ͵ͺ  ͲǤͷ͸  ͳͶͲǤ͹  ͺͳǤͺ
           Here is a very docile, long bodied bull. We are so impressed with his docile, easy keeping sire, who ranks in the top 1% for CE, BW, MB and
           API and still in the top 3% for MCE, stay and docility. His dam is a broody, ideally made 1st calf heifer out of Indeed, whose daughters are
           excellent. Her dam is an ET daughter of Messmer Packer, out of our M14 donor, one of our all time favorite red angus cows. This is a very nice,
           well rounded mating, enhancing nearly every trait. • Facebook/tntsimmentalranch           View video of every bull on our website or Facebook! – 31
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