Page 32 - Tokach Angus Cutting-Edge Genetics Annual Bull and Heifer Sale – Feb. 15, 2021
P. 32


                            Selling 30 Commercial Bred Heifers

        Each year one of the highlights of the spring sale season has been the   EPD profi le featuring calving ease, growth, docility, and marbling genetics
        selling of our elite commercial bred heifers. Just like in years past, we have   with 19 traits in the top 25% of the breed. ENHANCE was the top sales
        sorted out this special group of females shortly after weaning and then   leader in the Origen Bull Stud in 2019 and lead the Angus Breed in
        culled, sorted and culled again before they were synchronized, and AI bred   registrations in 2020.
        to the #1 bull of the Angus breed for registrations in 2020. You can literally
        feel the excitement fi ll the air as these high volume, deep ribbed, large    TOKACH STUNNER G144 served as the clean-up bull on the
                                                               commercial heifers. G144’S sire, MUSGRAVE 316 STUNNER was the
        outlined, feminine fronted females fi ll the ring at Kist’s Livestock Auction.
                                                               $83,000 top selling bull from the 2017 Musgrave sale to the Genex Bull
        For the past 31 years, the region’s top cattlemen have gathered to experi-
        ence the auctioneer’s chant fi rsthand and take part in the fast and furious   Stud and partners. G144 is a sure-fi re calving ease bull with a +11 CED
        bidding that takes place to see who gets to take the prize of the spring sale   and a low 0.5 birth weight EPD. In addition, G144 ranks in the top 10%
        season home with them. New and repeat buyers alike have told us the heif-  of the breed for yearling weight, top 15% for weaning EPD and top 3% for
                                                               $W-weaning. All the heifers will have received their second dose of Scour
        ers have exceeded their every expectation for quality, disposition, milking
                                                               Bos 4, rechecked for pregnancy and health papers completed to allow
        ability, breed back and the quality of the off spring they have produced. You
        can purchase bred commercial heifers from a lot of places, but you simply   them to go anywhere.
        will not fi nd any that are more tightly related, higher quality or having the   Remember all these females were raised right here on our ranch and carry
        genetic potential that these heifers and their off spring possess. As one top
                                                               one of our brands.
        notch cattlemen once told us, “Where else are you going to fi nd heifers like
        the TOKACH females”                                    If you are in search of a special group of closely related foundation females
                                                               AI bred to the exciting SYDGEN ENHANCE, please be on the seats on
        As an added bonus, this year’s heifers were synchronized, and AI bred on   sale day February 15th.
        June 7th to SYDGEN ENHANCE. ENHANCE has an unmatched

                                   You will not be disappointed!

                                                                A A       SYDGEN ENHANCE
                                                                                  Reg. 18170041
                                                                          BD: 1/27/15
                                                                CED  BW  WW  MILK  YW  MARB  RIB  $M  $W  $B  $C
                                                                 10  0.2  66  27  134  1.10  0.66  77   68   194   329
                                                                •  ENHANCE is the defi nition of multi-trait superiority, continuing to rank among
                                                                  the top 10 bulls of the Angus Breed for $C
                                                                •  Enhance was the top sales leader in 2019 for the Origen bull stud and the top
                                                                  bull in the Angus breed for registration in 2020.
                                                                •  Unmatched EPD profi le featuring calving ease, growth, docility, and marbling
                                                                  genetics with 19 traits in the top 25% of the breed

        30                                                                                        Tokach Angus Ranch
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