Page 12 - Pederson's Broken Heart Ranch Red Angus Bull Production Sale – March 3, 2021
P. 12

Herd Sire Prospects

                                                                         BHR NEW DIRECT 749 O177
                                                                   7 7   Birthdate:  4/17/20  Reg. #: 4338251  BW 93
                                                                                                  Category: 100% 1A
                                                                                                             205 Wt. 751
                                                                                                             365 Wt. 1427
                                                                                       [  CSF NEW DIRECTION 14C  ADG 4.22
                                                               BHR NEW DIRECTION 749    MISS BHR KNIGHT 221T 1259  WDA 3.88
                                                                                       [  BHR BASES LOADED 353
                                                               MISS BHR LOADED 2 5198   MISS BHR DRIFTER 2218  Dam’s Age 5
                                                                                                         ProS  HB GM
                                                                                                         127 93  35
                                                                CED  BW  WW  YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST   MARB   YG   CW   REA   FAT
                                                                10 -1.5  66  110  0.28  2.11  28  0 11  5 18  0.49  0.17  20  0.04  0.05
                                                                80% 55%  25% 19%  15%   97%  19%  43%  51%  85%  13%   30%   95%  49%   63%   99%
                                                               • This year’s Soggy Doggy winner
                                                               • Deep bodied with excellent rib shape
                                                               • When compared to his pen mates, Lot 7 is in the top 25% from birth to
                                                                 weaning and top 25% ADJ WW
                                                               • Weaning and Yearling ratios of 117 and 116
                                Lot 7                          • Lots of volume and muscle in a unique package
                                Lot 7
                                                               • His dam has an MPPA of 102

                                                                         BHR ZEPPELIN 691 O79
                                                                   8 8   Birthdate:  4/4/20  Reg. #: 4338269  Category: 100% 1A  BW 91
                                                                                                             205 Wt. 729
                                                               BHR WINDY HILL ZEPPELIN 691 [  RED WINDY HILL ZEPPELIN 1240  365 Wt. 1425
                                                                                                               ADG 4.35
                                                                                        MISS BHR BANKER 2158
                                                                                       [  VGW BASES LOADED 166  WDA 3.81
                                                               MISS BHR BASES LOADED 5143  MISS BHR CARTRIGHT 041  Dam’s Age 5
                                                                                                         ProS  HB GM
                                                                                                         148 107  41
                                                                CED  BW  WW  YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST   MARB   YG   CW   REA   FAT
                                                                9  0.2  70  115  0.28  2.02  27  1 11  5 21  0.35  0.01  28  0.28  0.01
                                                                89% 85%  14% 12%  13%   95%  31%  53%  44%  84%  2%   61%   25%  20%   15%   31%
                                                               • This is just one cool calf
                                                               • Weaning and Yearling ratios of 114 and 116
                                                               • Top 25% from birth to weaning and top 25% ADJ WW
                                                               • Long bodied, straight topped calf that just gets things done
                                                               • One of our favorites from every direction you see him
                                Lot 8
                                Lot 8

                                                                         BHR VENGEANCE O148
                                                                    9 9  Birthdate:  4/11/20  Reg. #: 4338243  BW 89
                                                                                                  Category: 100% 1A
                                                                                                             205 Wt. 714
                                                                                                             365 Wt. 1280
                                                                                       [  GMRA VENGEANCE 1254  ADG 3.54
                                                               FRITZ VENGEANCE 22D      FRITZ CHINOOK 529A     WDA 3.53
                                                                                       [  BECKTON EPIC R397 K
                                                               TBS HONEY EPIC 416       TBS HONEY CHIEF 203  Dam’s Age 6
                                                                                                         ProS  HB GM
                                                                                                         141 111  30
                                                                CED  BW  WW  YW   ADG   DMI   M   ME  HPG  CEM  ST   MARB   YG   CW   REA   FAT
                                                                9  -1.9  65  104  0.24  2.03  25  6 12  5 22  0.48  0.14  20  0.03  0.04
                                                                91% 47%  27% 31%  39%   95%  51%  88%  33%  79%  1%   31%   89%  48%   65%   92%
                                                               • Vengeance calf with a level topline, deep ribbed and rock hard with muscle
                                                               • Weaning and yearling ratios of 112 and 104
                                                               • Top 25% from birth to weaning and top 25% ADJ WW
                                                               • Vengeance calves are powerful and very complete

                                Lot 9
                                Lot 9

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