Page 3 - Chrome in the Canyon Premier Mule Sale – May 7-8, 2021
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MAY 7-8, 2021

        Bryce Canyon   Mule Days             Videos:                              MM Auction  Ser vices’ Crew:
            412 UT-12 • Tropic, Utah             All mule videos are on our YouTube   Megan Winters – Absarokee, MT
                                                 Playlist titled – 2021 Premier Mule   Katie Bennett – Powell, WY
        Sale Day Con tacts:                      Sale Videos. Be sure to subscribe to our   Angie Herman – Edgar, MT
            Offi  ce – 877-725-3636              YouTube channel to get notifi ed when   Christine Th  omas – Green River, WY
            Email –   new videos are added.               Josh Linebaugh - Powell, WY
                                                 Direct link:       Reuben Schrock – Purdy, MO
        Live Feeds:                             Justin Leggett - Floral, AR
            Watch the sale live on our           ErrOKZLt1ZQnFpQM-                   Ty Davis – Powell, WY
            YouTube Channel, Chrome              MmBt9yC7_2Mqf7W
            in the Canyon Premier Mule
            Sale and be sure to subscribe    Social Media:                        Sale Producer s
            to our channel so you get notifi cations of   Facebook – Chrome in the Canyon   MM Auction Services, LLC
            live videos or any mule videos added.  Premier Mule Sale                 Colby & Codi Gines – Powell, WY
            Direct link:  Instagram – @premiermulesale
            ChromeintheCanyonPremierMuleSale  Transpor ter :
                                                 Yoder Transportation – Safe, Reliable,
        Phon e Bidding:
                                                 Insured and Licensed
            Note that we do charge a 2%          Call for a Quote! (478)387-8582
            buyer’s premium for all phone
            and absentee bids. In order      Equine Insur ance:
            to bid, you will need to fi ll       Protect your investment from the
            out our Phone/Absentee Bidding Form.   time the hammer drops. Call Ingram
            All forms and a copy of your driver’s   Insurance Agency today (940)437-9500.
            license will need to be emailed to info@
   Deadline for
            phone bidding registration is the day
            before the sale by noon. Find all phone
            bidding forms on our website.

                           How to use the QR Codes on iPhone & Android devices?

          1. Open the Camera app from your device.
          2. Hold your device so that the QR code appears in the Camera app’s viewfi nder. Your device recognizes the QR code
            and shows a notifi cation.
          3. Tap the notifi cation to open the link associated with the QR code.
          4. If step 1-3 doesn’t work, download the QR Code App. Use the app to scan the code and open the links.

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