Page 3 - Diamonds in the Desert-Reno Premier Horse Sale – June 25-26, 2021
P. 3

Friday and Satur day,

                                                        JUNE 25 & 26, 2021


        Sale Location :                      Sale Hor se Videos:                  Producer s:
            Reno – Sparks Livestock Events Center  All sale horse videos are on       MM Auction Services, LLC
            1350 N Wells Avenue                  our YouTube Playlist titled          Colby & Codi Gines
            Reno, Nevada 89512                   – 2021 RENO Diamonds
                                                                                  Auction eer  & Annou ncer :
                                                 in the Desert Premier Sale
        Sale Day Con tacts:                      Horses. Be sure to subscribe to our   Josh Linebaugh ....................Powell, WY
            Offi  ce – 877-725-3636              YouTube channel so you get notifi ed
            Email –   when we go live.                 Pedigr ee Specialist:
                                                 Direct link: :  Jayson Jackson  .......................Tulsa, OK
        Live Feeds:
                                                 c/PremierHorseSales              Ringmen:
            Join us LIVE on our
            Facebook & YouTube                Social Media:                           Tony Dammen .....................Parker, CO
            Channel                              Facebook – Premier Horse Sales       Justin Leggett ........................Floral, AR
            Direct link: https://www.                                                 Andy Schwab .................... Billings, MT
        Instagram - @premierhorsesales       Tyler Davis ..........................Powell, WY
                                                                                      Reuben Schrock ..............Carthage, MO
        Register  to Bid:                    Transpor ter :                           Travis Gines ........................Farson, WY
            Online Bidding:                      Yoder Transportation, LLC – Safe,
                                                 Reliable, Licensed & Insured – Th ey   Office/Cler ks:
   -             are our exclusive transporter and will be   Megan Winters .............Absarokee, MT
              1% Online Buyer’s Premium          onsite waiting to load and deliver your   Katie Bennett ......................Powell, WY
              Must be pre-registered by the day   new purchase. Call for a Quote!     Angie Herman ......................Edgar, MT
              before the sale @ noon in order to bid   478-387-8582               Phon  e Bid Reps:
              online. Guidelines on page 10.                                          Christine Th omas ....... Green River, WY
            Phone Bidding:                   Equine Insur ance:                       Caden Gines ........................Powell, WY
              2% buyer’s premium for all phone   Ingram Insurance Agency - Off ering
              bids. Find all forms & info on our   “Fall of Hammer” insurance. Bind the   Online/Live Facilitator s:
              website. Deadline for phone &      insurance within 24 hours and your   MM Auction Services, LLC
              absentee bidding is noon the day   horse is covered. Th  ey are our exclusive
              before the sale.                   equine insurance provider and will   Codi Gines
            Pre-registration:                    be onsite to help with your insurance
              Get pre-registered! Avoid the lines   choices. Call Jenifer for a Quote!  Videogr apher :
              and get pre-registered. Stop by    877-437-0300                         McFarland Productions – Oregon
              the sale offi  ce when you get to the
              preview and pickup your bidder                                      Music/Audio:
              number.                                                                 Casen Gines
                                                                                      Cow Camp Promotions

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