Page 3 - Best of Texas Premier Horse Sale – Sept. 10-11, 2021
P. 3
Friday and Saturday,
SEPT. 10-11, 2021
Register to Bid: AQHA:
Online Bidding: PremierOnlineSales. American Quarter Horse Association
com - 1% Online Buyer’s Premium will be onsite sale day to effi ciently
Location: Must be pre-registered by the day before transfer registration papers into your
Preview the sale @ noon in order to bid online. name. Visit with them on preview day!
North Texas High School Guidelines on page 5.
Rodeo Association Phone Bidding: 2% buyer’s premium Producers:
MM Auction Services, LLC
6229 Windy Ryon Way for all phone bids. Find all forms & info Colby & Codi Gines
Fort Worth, Texas 76179 on our website. Deadline for phone &
absentee bidding is noon the day before Auctioneer & Announcer:
Sale the sale. Josh Linebaugh ....................Powell, WY
Billy Bob’s Texas Pre-registration: New bidders get Pedigree Specialist:
2520 Rodeo Plaza pre-registered! Avoid the lines and get Blake Th ompson .................. Joshua, TX
Fort Worth, Texas 76164 pre-registered. Stop by the sale offi ce Ringmen:
when you arrive to the preview and
Sale Day Contacts: Justin Leggett ........................Floral, AR
pickup your bidder number.
Offi ce – 877-725-3636 Andy Schwab .................... Billings, MT
Email – Tyler Davis ..........................Powell, WY
Reuben Schrock...............Carthage, MO
Jody Doescher ........Oklahoma City, OK
Livestream: Cody Doescher .......Oklahoma City, OK
Join us LIVE on our Facebook or
YouTube Channel Office/Clerks:
Social Media:
@ Premier Horse Sales Megan Winters .............Absarokee, MT
Facebook – Premier Horse Sales Katie Bennett ......................Powell, WY
Instagram - @premierhorsesales
Or watch on the Cowboy Channel Angie Herman ......................Edgar, MT
Transporter: Phone Bid Reps:
Yoder Transportation, LLC – Safe, Christine Th omas ....... Green River, WY
Reliable, Licensed & Insured – Th ey Dana Richardson .................Powell, WY
are our exclusive transporter and will be
Videos: Caden Gines ........................Powell, WY
onsite waiting to load and deliver your
All sale horse videos are on our YouTube new purchase. Online/Live Facilitators:
Playlist titled, Call for a Quote! (478) 387-8582 MM Auction Services, LLC
2021 Best of Texas Premier Sale Horses.
Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Equine Insurance:
channel so you get notifi ed when we go Ingram Insurance Agency - Off ering Livestream Facilitator:
live. “Fall of Hammer” insurance. Bind the MM Auction Services, LLC
insurance within 24 hours and your Casen Gines
horse is covered. Th ey are our exclusive
equine insurance provider and will
be onsite to help with your insurance McFarland Productions – Oregon
choices. Call Jenifer for a Quote! Audio/Music:
(877) 437-0300 Brandon Milburn – Cody, WY
Catalog and Promotion:
Cow Camp Promotions