Page 44 - Red Hill Farms Red Angus, SimAngus, & Cross-Ty Bulls and Females – Oct. 30, 2021
P. 44
Fall 2021 – Red Hill Farms Commercial Bred Heifers
Heritage Family Farm (Franklin, KY)
Kelly Smith and his family operate spring and fall calving herds in Simpson County,
Kentucky. For over two decades, Kelly was involved in a purebred seedstock operation.
However, for the last 20 years, he and his family have dedicated themselves to producing
commercial cattle, with an emphasis on quality replacement females. Heritage Family Farm
has been on the Red Hill program for several years, utilizing Red Angus and SimAngus
bulls, as well as semen on many of the Red Hill herdsires.
The Smith operation is a pasture-based operation that has challenged its cow herd through
generations of only pasture and limited hay feeding. This unique environment and manage-
ment scheme is one that tends to identify lower maintenance females with superior fertility,
and eliminates those with inherent problems. Therefore, heifers and cows purchased from
the Smith Family have proven to be environmentally adaptable..
The goal of HFF is moderate-sized, easy-fl eshing, and easy-to-manage cattle, believing that
an effi cient and low maintenance cow herd is the key to profi table commercial production.
Other important factors that are emphasized by the Smith family include calving ease,
udder quality, slick hair type, structural soundness, and superior disposition.
Heritage Family Farm currently markets steers and heifers, not used as replacements, with
grass-fi nishing beef operations in the northeast. Kelly is offering a high-quality group of
bred females to calve in the spring. It is uncommon to fi nd heifers of this genetic level for
Kelly Smith (cell) 270-586-0587
* Available for viewing by appointment before the sale in Franklin, KY,
OR Friday and Saturday (Sale Day) at Red Hill.
* All females selling tested NEGATIVE for BVD-PI September 2021.
* Contact Kelly or Red Hill Farms for a complete list of vaccinations administered.
42 – Red Hill Farms