Page 36 - Big Sky Elite Red Angus Female Sale – Dec. 1, 2021
P. 36

Bred Coming Threes
          Bred Coming Threes
                                                                                GMRA VENICE 958G
                                                                                Birth Date:      Reg. #        Category:
                                                                                1/24/19         4125392       100% 1A
                                                                                         BECKTON NEBULA P P707
                                                                   BROWN JYJ REDEMPTION Y1334 | JYJ MS JOLENE W16
                                                                 GMRA ABSOLUTION 6201    GMRA PEACEMAKER 1216
                                                                   GMRA JUANA 4100      | GMRA JUANA 089
                                                                   FEDDES BOBCAT A230    BECKTON EPIC R397 K   ProS  HB  GM
                                                                 GMRA VENICE 644        | FEDDES LAKINA 91S
                                                                                         GMRA MAKE IT EASY 8226
                                                                   GMRA VENICE 132      | GMRA VENICE 664    131  56  76
                                                                                                             7%  71%  1%
                                                                  CED BW WW YW  ADG  DMI   M   ME HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                   7  1.4  68  111  0.27  1.80  34  6   7   6  17 0.69  -0.03  44 0.55  0.00
                                                                  95% 92%  14%  12% 13%  87%  4%  74%  94% 70%  47%  4%  10%  1%  1%  15%
                                                                 Bred to:FEDDES RED DOUGLAS E31-0269 (#4289047)    Due Date:  4/20/22
                                                                 Here’s another Absolution daughter that is proving to be among the top cows in
                                                                 the GMRA herd. She already posts an MPPA of 105 that ranks in the top 13%
                                 Lot 79                          for Green Mountain. Her fi rst calf took a 66# birth weight all the way to a 113
                                                                 WR. The performance backs up an impressive set of numbers with over half in the top 17% of the
           breed or higher. These include a top 1% GM, CW and REA, a top 3% ProS and a top 4% Milk and Marb. Growth and carcass are the order of the day while keeping an eye on the maternal. She will add
           power to any herd.

                                                                               GMRA LAKOTA 946G
                                                                               Birth Date:       Reg. #       Category:
                                                                                1/18/19         4125376       100% 1A
                                                                                         MESSMER PACKER S008
                                                                   GMRA TRILOGY 0226    | GMRA LAKOTA 625
                                                                 GMRA TESLA 6214         GMRA PEACEMAKER 1216
                                                                   GMRA ANGIE ROSE 448  | GMRA ANGIE ROSE 967
                                                                   BECKTON EPIC R397 K   BECKTON EPIC K F075   ProS  HB  GM
                                                                 GMRA LAKOTA 478        | BECKTON KIT F468 JL
                                                                                         LJC MISSION STATEMENT P27
                                                                   GMRA LAKOTA 106      | GMRA LAKOTA 625    121  63  58
                                                                                                             14%  58%  5%
                                                                  CED BW WW YW  ADG  DMI   M   ME HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                  13  0.9  76  129  0.33  1.82  31 14  14 10  14  0.44  0.07  40  0.35  0.02
                                                                  39% 88%  3%  1%  1%  88% 11% 96%  15%  5%  77%  32%  57%  2%  7%  63%
                                                                 Bred to:C-T PERFORMANCE 0135 (#4296309)    Due Date:  3/29/22
                                                                 This young Tesla daughter reads like a who’s who in the GMRA guide book.
                                                                 Her dam features a 105 MPPA on 6 calves, with standouts ratoing as high as
                         GMRA Tesla 6214, sire                   119 at weaning and 118 at yearling. She is followed by an impressive lineage,
                                                                 including the dam of Trilogy, with MPPAs all the way from 101 up to 112, going back almost 40
           years. This year she took her fi st calf from a 71# birth weight to a 103 WR. Her number profi le is breed leading with 13 in the top 50% or higher. Eight of those rank in single digit percentiles and YW,
           ADG and CW are all in the top 1%. She features standouts across the board from growth to carcass to maternal. There will be no problem breeding her for greatness.

                                                                                FEDDES SLEEK 806-9116
                                                                                Birth Date:      Reg. #        Category:
                                                                                3/24/19         4133548       100% 1A
                                                                                         LJC MERLIN T179
                                                                   WFL MERLIN 018A      | WFL COMMITMENT 042Y
                                                                 LELAND MARKSMAN 6629    GLACIER CHATEAU 744
                                                                   LELAND CHATEAU 747   | MESSMER PANDORA W044
                                                                   BIEBER ROMERO 9136    BUF CRK ROMEO L081   ProS  HB  GM
                                                                 FEDDES SLEEK 806       | BIEBER MELLSSIE 8337
                                                                                         BIEBER MAKE MIMI 7249
                                                                   FEDDES SLEEK 2S      | FEDDES SLEEK 446   88  55  32
                                                                                                             61%  71%  37%
                                                                  CED BW WW YW  ADG  DMI   M   ME HPG  CEM  ST  MARB  YG   CW  REA   FAT
                                                                  14 -3.7 66 113 0.29 1.63 36  7  10  7  16 0.27 0.05 24 0.18 0.02
                                                                  22%  15%  19%  10% 6%  76% 1% 81%  71%  47%  60%  75%  47%  25%  22%  56%
                                                                 Bred to: LUCHT ONE OF A KIND 9722 (#4182642)    Due Date:  4/6/22
                                                                 9116 calved at 23 months and weaned her bull calf at WR 111. She’s a product of our late March
                                                                 embryo program. She’s a Marksman out of our elite donor cow 806. She’s tough to let go but she
                         Feddes Sleek 806, dam                   has a bright future ahead. CED 21%, BW 14%, WW 19%, YW 10%, ADG 5%. She excells at the
                                                                 economically relevant traits listed above.

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